########### ML Models ########### .. _mlmodels: ******************* Saved ML Models ******************* New application 'Saved ML models' is available and this page shows all saved ML Models created by *MATHMODEL_SAVE worker in Workflows. .. video:: _static/movies/savedMLmodel.mp4 :width: 100% | The saved ML Models page has summary tab which will show the overview page and schema of the model. .. video:: _static/movies/savedsummary.mp4 :width: 100% | ML Info tab in the saved ML Models will show the 'Raw vs prediction' , 'Scores' and 'Residuals' page for the Models. .. video:: _static/movies/savedrawpred.mp4 :width: 100% | Predict tab is now available in the saved ML Model where we can predict the targets using inputs and compute inputs using targets. .. video:: _static/movies/predictmlmodel.mp4 :width: 100% | Curve datasets can be used to create saved ML Models in the page. ML saved models will show curves in the overview page and in the prediction tab. .. video:: _static/movies/curvessavedml.mp4 :width: 100% | Two saved ML Models can be compared and information is viewed using right context menu options. .. video:: _static/movies/mlmodelscomapre.mp4 :width: 100% | 3D scatter plot in saved ML models prediction tab now allows adding of Raw Data to the plot as colored bubbles. .. video:: _static/movies/3dsactterplot.mp4 :width: 100% | Add Custom charts option is now available in the residual tab when two saved ML Models are compared using context menu option. .. video:: _static/movies/customchart.mp4 :width: 100% | Filters are now supported for saved ML Models and the filters added are reflected in the ML records. .. video:: _static/movies/mlrecordsfilters.mp4 :width: 100% | In ML Saved Model Predict tab carousel UI indicators are showing the correct names of the rows and also has a label at the top which is a caption showing the current row name .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/mlsavedmodelscarousel.png :title: Carousel view .. centered:: :sup:`Carousel view` | In the side-by-side view if the 'Color predicted curves by difference with references' option is enabled in the settings then both curve plots on left & right in this new side-by-side view will be colored by the Euclidean distance .. video:: _static/movies/sidebyside.mp4 :width: 100% | Support for files to be opened on the ML Model page. .. video:: _static/movies/supportmlpage.mp4 :width: 100% | In ML Model the changes made in the curves in curve plot (colors for example) will be retained throughout the predict view. .. video:: _static/movies/curvesmadechnages.mp4 :width: 100% | SourceType column in Predict tab where it showed Targets -> inputs and vice versa .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/sourcedatatype.png :title: Targets -> inputs .. centered:: :sup:`Targets -> inputs` | ML Models | Predictions made in the Predict tab are now automatically saved to the model .. video:: _static/movies/predictionautosave.mp4 :width: 100% | ML Models | Export → ZIP will now export the model JSON and the mfile.pkl into a zip. This ZIP can be uploaded on the AI Models page to re-open the model .. video:: _static/movies/exportzip.mp4 :width: 100% | The Export option is available in the saved ML Models. The exported file can be uploaded in the AI Models page to reopen the model. .. video:: _static/movies/exportzipmlmodels.mp4 :width: 100% | The predicted Inputs and Targets are correctly labeled in saved ML Models. .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/inputstargetlabeled.png :title: Targets -> inputs labels .. centered:: :sup:`Targets -> inputs labels` | In ML Saved Model - Predict has a new header option called 'Interactive', along with other options to append a row and to select the source - Targets or Inputs, for choosing the slider value inputs .. video:: _static/movies/headerinteractive.mp4 :width: 100% | In ML Models, Compute Inputs is now disabled for Classifier ML as it is applicable only for regression workers.​ .. video:: _static/movies/computeinputs.mp4 :width: 100% | In ML Models, the invalid rows message is now correctly displayed and UI is updated when we upload invalid dataset to ML Model. .. video:: _static/movies/invalidinputsrow.mp4 :width: 100% | |