Proxy Client =============== Once the license server and lucy proxy service are set up and running, the lucy proxy client can be installed and enabled. Install the lucy proxy client the same way the proxy service was installed, this time on the proxy host.:: cd ${INSTALL_DIR} python lucy-0.7.0-p27-proxy-client.install After installing the proxy client, the python 2.7.16 path is enabled, and the dependencies are installed, add the license connection information to the configuration by editing `etc/config/lucy.json` and adding the following key:: "lucy_license_server": "<>", This will allow lucy to gather license information from the license server upon invocation. To test the proxy client use the following command:: ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/lucy proxy test <> -otype json Since the lucy proxy service is running on a remote machine, proxy can now issue commands as the user on the proxy service host. This is done by adding to the above command:: -proxy-client-address <>:18080 Supported proxy commands are as follows:: mkdir touch chmod exec ls cat listdir list_files getfile copyfile file_exists rename renamefile move copy test Any arguments that should be sent to the above commands should follow the:: -proxy-command-args Additional options are as follows: positional arguments:: COMMAND_TYPE Command to execute USERNAME User name optional arguments:: -h, --help show this help message and exit -proxy-job-dir JOB_DIR Used to determine where the current working directory should be. -proxy-wrapper WRAPPER Path to Sudo wrapper binary -proxy-client-address CLIENT_ADDRESS Service client address -proxy-log-file LOG_FILE Path of where to write log file. -proxy-command-args COMMAND Command arguments -proxy-files-tsv Use this to have the file output sent as a tsv -unused-client-address UNUSED_CLIENT_ADDRESS -u USERNAME User name for remote host -otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: ( Default is output )