7. Battery Data Publishing

This guide focuses on the Lucy CLI implementation of the BMS plugin, of which there is also an equivalent user friendlier GUI implementation within the desktop application.

The BMS plugin is responsible for publishing Battery Lab Test data, typically provided via a BMS.ssv file but the data file(s) may have any name. If BMS.ssv is the BMS data file, included with it should be a .wr file which includes meta-data on the test. BMS Can also publish “elements” data in csv files, which have names like: 2021-03-31_HEAD_CATL-1017_167Ah_0C_BOT_Drives_data.csv The only difference in publishing the BMS.ssv data and Elements.csv data is in the filename pattern provided. Response names are ‘mapped’ and converted into more human-readable response names. The templates rely on successful mappings.

7.1. Command Line Arguments

Command Line Args
Name Mapping (dest) Default Action Metavar Help Group
-d recursive_directory ‘empty string’ NA NA Directory NA
-f bms_filename ‘empty string’ NA NA BMS file name NA
-recursive recursive ‘empty string’ store_true NA True if the directory should be searched recursively NA
-time-channel time_channel Test_Time NA NA Name of the time channel NA
-drop-channel drop_channel False NA NA Channels to drop NA
-rsp-per-file responses_per_file ‘empty string’ NA NA Number of responses per file NA
-config-file config_file ‘empty string’ NA NA config_file NA
-rm-repeating rm_repeating NA store_true NA Remove repeating values (only the points between the start and end, non-inclusive, of any consecutively repeating points whose size is greater than 2) NA
-error-factor error_factor 0 NA NA Error factor NA
-point-increment point_increment ‘empty string’ NA NA Parse every point_increment values from bms data NA
-downsize downsize NA store_true NA Use this flag to downsize the data points NA
-clean-initial-point clean_initial_point NA NA NA Clean out the initial points from specified curves NA
-clean-final-zero clean_trailing_zero NA store_true NA Clean out the trailing zero points NA
-timeout timeout ‘empty string’ NA NA Number of seconds before killing the plugin NA
-program-filter program_filter ‘empty string’ NA NA List of programs to filter based on NA
-database-file database_file ‘empty string’ NA NA Database file NA
-xform-responses-per-call response_chunk_size ‘empty string’ NA NA Database file NA
-pre-scan prescan NA store_true NA Scan before running Prescan
-output-file output_file NA NA NA Prescan output file Prescan
-scratch-dir scratch_dir . NA NA Scratch directory Prescan
-thread-count thread_count 4 NA NA Thread count Prescan
-publish publish NA store_true NA Use this flag to publish a physical test to d3VIEW Publishing
-prescan-file scan_database NA NA NA Pre scan data location Publishing
-post-files post_files NA NA NA Post files Publishing
-d3view-url api_url NA NA api_url Url used to navigate to d3VIEW. Publishing
-d3view-port api_port NA NA api_port Port used to navigate to d3VIEW. Publishing
-u, -user user_id NA NA username Name of the user as shown in d3VIEW Publishing
-a, -api-key api_key NA NA api_key Api key corresponding to the d3VIEW user specified Publishing
-application-key application_key NA NA API_KEY Application key Publishing
-program-name program_name ‘empty string’ NA NA Name of the program associated with the physical test Publishing
-project-name project_name ‘empty string’ NA NA Name of the project associated with the physical test Publishing
-template response_template ‘empty string’ NA NA Template to apply Publishing
-template-mapping template_mapping NA store_true NA Use the d3VIEW template to map data Publishing
-replace remove_previous NA store_true NA Replace differing responses in existing physical test Publishing
-force-replace force_remove_previous NA store_true NA Replace existing physical test Publishing
-verify verify_responses NA store_true NA Verify local responses against existing physical test Publishing
-restart restart NA store_true NA Restart using an extracted folder Publishing
-single-upload single_upload NA store_true NA Upload responses one at a time Publishing
-skip-files skip_files NA store_true NA Skip posting files Publishing
-ppt ppt NA store_true NA Generate PowerPoint Publishing
-remove-duplicate-responses, -rdr remove_duplicate_responses NA store_true NA Pre-Publish: Remove empty duplicate response curves before sending to d3VIEW. Post: Remove duplicated responses. Publishing
-update-overlays, -uo update_overlays ‘empty string’ NA NA Deletes and then re-extracts existing overlays. Updating
-update-files update_files ‘empty string’ NA NA Use this flag to apply a template to physical test in d3VIEW Updating
-apply-template apply_template NA store_true NA Use this flag to apply a template to physical test in d3VIEW Updating
-meta-data meta_data NA store_true NA Update only metadata for physical test Updating
-project-update project_update NA store_true NA Update the Project for a given Physical Test Updating
-send-mail send_mail NA store_true NA Sends a report of published/skipped tests via sendmail Mail
-from from ‘empty string’ NA NA From email address for published/skipped test report Mail
-to to ‘empty string’ NA NA To email address for published/skipped test report Mail
-prefix prefix NA NA NA Prefix for published test name Publishing
-suffix suffix NA NA NA Suffix for published test name Publishing
-mapping-file mapping_file ‘empty string’ NA NA Mapping file path Publishing
-mapping-output mapping_output NA store_true NA Generates output file for physical test mapping NA
-verbose unencrypt NA store_true NA NA NA
-cache cache NA store_true NA NA NA
-sanitize-responses sanitize_responses NA store_true NA NA NA
-api-cleaner api_response_cleaner NA store_true NA NA NA
-use-mapper use_mapper NA store_true NA Specify whether to use the mapper file to map source and destination names. Typically this should always be provided Publishing
-use-mse use_mse NA store_true NA Specify whether to use MSE-based mapping (even if CrossCheck column values contain ‘yes’ in the mapping file) Publishing
-rdp rdp 0.0 NA NA Use RDP (Ramer-Douglas-Peucker) algorithm to reduce points for each response, argument is the epsilon value. The d3VIEW worker’s default epsilon value is 1.0, an argument of 0.0 (default value) indicates to not use the RDP algorithm Publishing
-normalize normalize NA store_true NA Use in conjunction with -rdp; applies min-max normalization (maps every y-value to a value within [0, 1]) Publishing
-keep-columns keep_columns ‘’ NA NA Comma-separated list of column names to keep from the data file. Only this list of columns will be used from he data file Publishing
-skip-columns skip_columns ‘’ NA NA Comma-separated list of column names to skip from the data file. This list of columns will not be used from he data file Publishing
-compare-tests compare_tests ‘’ NA NA Compare differences in responses between two fully published tests. Arguments shall be the test IDs of 2 physical tests separated by a comma Publishing
-compare-tests-metric compare_tests_metric ‘raw’ NA NA Metric to use when comparing differences between tests. Calls curves_match worker. Default value is raw if this option is not provided. Other possible values are: pdtw, abs, max, max-max-diff, critical_resultant, euclidean-distance, frechet, dynamic-time-warping, ratio_ydiff Publishing
-compare-tests-output compare_tests_output ‘’ NA NA Compare differences in responses between two fully published tests. Use in conjunction with -compare-tests. This argument should be the path of the output file that highlights the differences Publishing

7.2. BMS Features

BMS Features
Feature Function
-publish (and none of the below) Extract responses, Publish Physical Test, Apply Template (if provided with -r ‘template_id’)
-sanitize-responses Clean responses for an existing test (Remove duplicates)
-apply-template Apply a template to an already existing test, or repair existing template responses
-prescan Generate a table of data about all scanned Tests, including if it has been published to d3VIEW or not
-project-update Change which “Project” a PT is saved under
-meta-data Update Meta Data for a published physical test
-update-files Update and repair any missing files associated with PT (example, .wr files)
ELEMENTS (Publishing ELEMENTS .csv files) The BMS plugin can alternatively be provided with a .csv containing ‘Elements’ data and process it.

7.3. Key Arguments

-d : Required. The directory to search for BMS.ssv (or ‘pattern’) files.

-f : Required. The search pattern for the BMS file name. If, for instance, you have multiple element tests in a folder, you can set that folder to be -d and then set -f to be “*.csv” to search for all csv files

-recursive : Recommended. The flag to indicate that the .ssv files may be nested in sub-directories

-time-channel : Required. The name of the time channel.

-mapping-file : Provides the relationship mapping data to take output from the BMS.ssv and make it more human readable. Mapped responses are also required for templates to apply.

-mapping-output <output directory/path> : Optional, but will provide an overview of the mapped responses as .csv file

-publish : without this, the results will be extracted, but we will not publish the PT

-replace : Optional, replaces differing responses when comparing the local responses vs remote for a previously published test

-force-replace : Deletes the original physical test, replaces with a new one

7.4. Example Scripts

Typically you will always want to provide the -r, -d, -u (or, equivalently, -user), -a (or, equivalently, -api-key), -d3view-url, -application-key, -time-channel. You will also very likely want to include -mapping-file.

7.5. Submit Script

Here is an example of a simple submit script to extract and publish a BMS Physical Test. The key flag is -publish, and if you are republishing a test that already exists, -force-replace will overwrite the existing test with your newly published test.


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-user eric.tang \
-publish \
-post-files wr,Protocol.txt \
-prefix '01_' \
-scratch-dir ~/sandbox/data/scratch/ \
-mapping-file ~/sandbox/data/21F0048/BMS_MAPPING_03-08-2021_17.23.csv \
-mapping-output True \
-replace \

7.6. Sanitize Responses

This example demonstrates how to sanitize responses from existing, published tests. Response sanitize includes the ability to remove responses with null values and remove duplicate responses from publication. The -uo option takes Overlay Names and updates the composite expression, then re-extracts.


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-r 'template_id' \
-user will.wharton \
-sanitize-responses \
-remove-duplicate-responses \
-uo 'Cell Voltage Overlays,Cell Temperature Overlays,Cell Temperatures Overlays,Cell Voltages Overlay'

7.7. Prescan

Scans a test file to identify if it has been published to d3VIEW or not (among other details like status, total channels, total points, file size, and datetime) and outputs to a tsv.


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-r 'template_id' \
-user will.wharton \
-prescan \
-prescan-output 'dir_path'

7.8. Apply Template

Takes an existing test and applies template extractions / responses.


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-user eric.tang \
-apply-template \
-r 'template_id'

7.9. Meta Data

Updates tests based on the content of the .wr folder


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-user eric.tang \

7.10. Update Files

Looks for missing files for a test and will upload the missing files if present


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-user eric.tang \

7.11. Project Update

Updates the test to sync with a project (by id)


# Short file

~/sandbox/lucymar11/bin/lucy plugins bms \
-d3view-url \
-d3view-port 3091 \
-a 'api-key' \
-application-key lucy \
-f ${file} \
-user eric.tang \
-project 174 \

7.12. Comparing Tests and Filtering Responses

Compare the differences of the mutual responses shared between 2 physical tests, whether they be 2 existing published tests or one existing published test and the test that is to be published via execution of the current script (whose physical test ID is not yet known). The former can be executed by providing 2 physical test IDs separated by comma (remember to enclose in quotes if a space is present) and the latter can be done by just providing the single physical test ID to compare against.

"2325980, 2381534"


Example Cronjob Importer Series:

  • Morning Import
  • Scan for Missing Tests
  • Import Missing Tests
    • Only imports tests flagged as missing during Scan
  • Afternoon Import
  • Night-time Import with -replace

7.13. Example Import

This script scans a directory for BMS test directories, copies the directories over based on date, and then publishes the data

years=(2021 2020)


function transfer_file {
   base_dir=`basename "$from_file"`
   echo "      Copying ${from_file} to $to_dir ... "
   if [[ $debug = 'yes' ]]; then
   cp -r "$from_file" "$to_dir"/

function publish_to_d3view {


    echo "       Publishing $file to d3VIEW..."

    if [[ $debug = 'yes' ]]; then

    "$lucy_install"/bin/lucy plugins bms -publish \
                                         -user t5913sb \
                                         -f ${pattern} \
                                         -application-key lucy \
                                         -d3view-url ${d3VIEW_url} \
                                         -d "$bms_import_dir_base"/"$year"/"$file" \
                                         -mapping-file "$bms_mapping_file" \
                                         -scratch-dir ${scratch_dir} \
                                         -time-channel Test_Time \
                                         -rm-repeating  \
                                         -timeout 2400 \
                                         -error-factor 0 \
                                         -thread-count 1 \
                                         -rsp-per-file 250 \
                                         -template 9370 \
                                         -project-name 174 \
                                         -recursive \
                                         -clean-initial-point all \
                                         -clean-final-zero \
                                         -post-files wr,Protocol.txt \

    for year in "${years[@]}"; do

    if [[ ! -d $from_dir ]]; then
       echo " No from dir: $from_dir"
       echo " Exiting..."

    parent_files=`find $from_dir ! -path $from_dir -type d -mtime -${days} -name "*[0-9]" | sort`

    for file in $parent_files; do
       folder=`basename "$file"`
       echo " Reviewing $file"

    if [[ "$folder" == *"$SUB"* ]]; then
        echo "iteration $folder";
        read -a TOKENS <<< "$folder"
        echo $TOKENS
        echo "parent_name is $parent_name"
        if [[ -d $from_dir/$parent_name && -e $from_dir/$parent_name/Completed.txt && -e $from_dir/$parent_name/BMS.ssv && $from_dir/$parent_name/*.wr ]] ; then
              transfer_file "$file" "$year"
              publish_to_d3view "$folder" "$year"
            echo "  Skipping $file"

      if [[ -e $from_dir/$folder/Completed.txt && $from_dir/$folder/BMS.ssv && $from_dir/$folder/*.wr ]] ; then
            transfer_file "$file" "$year"
            publish_to_d3view "$folder" "$year"
            echo "  Skipping $file"

7.14. Prescan

Scans a directory of possible bms test sub-directories, outputs findings to -output-file <filepath/filename> - Note, Lucy appends .tsv to the output file after the fact


years=(2021 2020)


cd /TMP1/d3view/scratch/current/cron_scratch
mkdir $$
cd $$

"$lucy_install"/bin/lucy plugins bms \
                                     -user t5913sb \
                                     -f ${pattern} \
                                     -application-key lucy \
                                     -d3view-url ${d3VIEW_url} \
                                     -pre-scan \
                                     -output-file "${scratch_dir}"/missing_bms_tests \
                                     -d "$bms_import_dir_base"/2021/ \
                                     -mapping-file "$bms_mapping_file" \
                                     -scratch-dir ${scratch_dir} \
                                     -time-channel Test_Time \
                                     -timeout 2400 \
                                     -error-factor 0 \
                                     -thread-count 1 \
                                     -template 9370 \
                                     -recursive \

mv lucy.log ../$$_lucy.log
cd ..
rm -r $$

7.15. Publish Missing

Publishes missing tests as identified by the prescan, requires the ‘-prescan-file’ arg to point to the prescan tsv output


years=(2021 2020)


cd /TMP1/d3view/scratch/current/cron_scratch
mkdir $$
cd $$

"$lucy_install"/bin/lucy plugins bms -publish \
                                     -user t5913sb \
                                     -f ${pattern} \
                                     -application-key lucy \
                                     -d3view-url ${d3VIEW_url} \
                                     -mapping-file "$bms_mapping_file" \
                                     -scratch-dir ${scratch_dir} \
                                     -time-channel Test_Time \
                                     -rm-repeating  \
                                     -prescan-file "${scratch_dir}"/missing_bms_tests.tsv \
                                     -timeout 2400 \
                                     -error-factor 0 \
                                     -thread-count 1 \
                                     -rsp-per-file 250 \
                                     -template 9370 \
                                     -project-name 174 \
                                     -recursive \
                                     -clean-initial-point all \
                                     -clean-final-zero \
                                     -post-files wr,Protocol.txt \

mv lucy.log ../$$_lucy.log
cd ..
rm -r $$

7.16. Elements (CSV) Submit Script Example

This example includes a hardcoded file name (-f option argument), but a pattern can be used like with the .ssv BMS pattern

"$lucy_install"/bin/lucy plugins bms -publish \
                                 -user t5913sb \
                                 -f "R_EL_U_20160709094157_CustRec.csv" \
                                 -application-key lucy \
                                 -d3view-url ${d3VIEW_url} \
                                 -mapping-file "$bms_mapping_file" \
                                 -d /cae/hpcjobs/users/t5913sb/incoming \
                                                 -replace \
                                 -scratch-dir ${scratch_dir} \
                                 -time-channel RecordingTime \
                                 -rm-repeating  \
                                 -timeout 2400 \
                                 -error-factor 0 \
                                 -thread-count 1 \
                                 -rsp-per-file 250 \
                                 -template 9451 \
                                 -recursive \
                                 -clean-initial-point all \
                                 -replace \
                                 -clean-final-zero \
                                 -post-files wr,Protocol.txt \