.. image:: /_images/icons/app_simlytiks.png :width: 5% :align: right :target: index.html .. |DataProfiler| image:: /_images/icons/icon_ScientificDataFormats.png :width: 4% :target: ScientificDataFormats.html .. _ScientificDataFormats: ########################## Scientific Data formats ########################## In Scientific Data formats we have the list of different formats in which Data can be stored/saved which can be accessed by Simlytiks. These datas are useful when Compiling a dataset with several curves or images corresponding to a title or property. ********************* Curve Data formats ********************* Format1 ============= In Format1 for Curve data - The main excel contains each entity and the location of the csv/excel for the corresponding curve. .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/format1curvedata.png :title: Curve Data Format1 .. centered:: :sup:`Curve Data Format1` | Example1: ================ Using Filters to display only the Polymers with 20% Glass fiber reinforcement. .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/example1.png :title: Example1 .. centered:: :sup:`Example1` | Format2 ============= In Format2 for Curve data - The List of entities and their corresponding curves are present in the same “Main Excel” file. The List of item are present in Sheet 1 and the corresponding curves are stored in XY format in the next sheet. .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/format2curvedata.png :title: Curve Data Format2 .. centered:: :sup:`Curve Data Format2` | ********************* Images formats ********************* Images Scientific data Format - The Syntax is similar to that of Curves Format 1 where the image location for each of the entity or vehicle is stored in the “main excel”. .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/imagesformat.png :title: Image Data Format .. centered:: :sup:`Image Data Format` | Example2: ================ Images Scientific data Format .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/example2.png :title: Example2 .. centered:: :sup:`Example2` | |