.. d3VIEW Workflows Documentation documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jun 3 09:38:33 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: /_images/icons/app_workflows.png :width: 5% :align: right :target: index.html ########################################## Welcome to d3VIEW Workflows Documentation! ########################################## .. thumbnail:: /_images/icons/d3VIEW_Logo_300Res_Main.png :width: 40% :align: center .. thumbnail:: /_images/images/splash/WorkFlows_Web.png :width: 80% :align: center This documentation explains and illustrates how to use the Workflows application on the d3VIEW platform. It aims to make the experience of navigating Workflows smoother and easier. +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Overview.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_NewWorkflow.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_ImpData.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_BuildConfig.png | | :target: Overview.html | :target: NewWorkflow.html | :target: ImportingData.html | :target: BuildConfig.html | | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | | .. centered:: :ref:`Overview` | .. centered:: :ref:`New Workflow ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Importing Data ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Building and Configuring ` | +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_SaveShare.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Executing.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_ViewData.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Examples.png | | :target: SaveShare.html | :target: Executing.html | :target: ViewingData.html | :target: Examples.html | | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | | .. centered:: :ref:`Saving and Sharing ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Executing` | .. centered:: :ref:`Viewing Data ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Examples` | +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Iteration.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Parallelization.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Digitizing.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Workers.png | | :target: Iteration.html | :target: Parallelization.html | :target: Digitizing.html | :target: Workers.html | | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | | .. centered:: :ref:`Iteration` | .. centered:: :ref:`Parallelization` | .. centered:: :ref:`Curve Digitization | .. centered:: :ref:`Workers ` | +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_CheatSheets.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Glossary.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_Movie.png | .. image:: /_images/icons/icon_FAQs.png | | :target: CheatSheets.html | :target: Glossary.html | :target: Videos.html | :target: FAQs.html | | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | :width: 50% | | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | | .. centered:: :ref:`Worker Cheat Sheets ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Glossary` | .. centered:: :ref:`Show Me How Videos ` | .. centered:: :ref:`Frequently Asked Questions ` | +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: 2 :hidden: Overview.rst Workers.rst NewWorkflow.rst Examples.rst ImportingData.rst BuildConfig.rst SaveShare.rst Executing.rst ViewingData.rst Actions.rst Iteration.rst Parallelization.rst Digitizing.rst Sa_polynomialregression.rst VideoAnalyzer.rst MLworkers.rst Genericoptimizer.rst WorkflowSimlytiksmapper.rst CheatSheets.rst Glossary.rst Videos.rst Physicaltest.Workers.rst FAQs.rst ReleaseNotes.rst To review a list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes, check out d3VIEW's `Release Notes at this link. `_