.. _Worker_Info_th_channel_by_id: \*TH_CHANNEL_BY_ID -------------------------------------------------------------------- **Description:** Extracts the summary from TH/ABF files **Syntax:** ``th_channel_by_id(file_name,channel_id)`` .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/Workflow/Workers/th_channel_by_id.svg :width: 20% .. list-table:: Inputs :widths: 10 30 10 10 40 :header-rows: 1 * - ID - Name - Type - Default - Remarks * - 1 - File Name - string - - File Name * - 2 - Channel Id - string - - Channel Id .. list-table:: Outputs :widths: 40 20 20 20 :header-rows: 1 * - ID - Name - Type - Remarks * - 1 - th_channel_by_id_output_1 - vector - .. _Worker_Info_th_summary: \*TH_SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------------------------- **Description:** Extracts the summary from TH/ABF files **Syntax:** ``th_summary(file_name)`` .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/Workflow/Workers/th_summary.svg :width: 20% .. list-table:: Inputs :widths: 10 30 10 10 40 :header-rows: 1 * - ID - Name - Type - Default - Remarks * - 1 - File Name - string - - File Name .. list-table:: Outputs :widths: 40 20 20 20 :header-rows: 1 * - ID - Name - Type - Remarks * - 1 - th_summary_output_1 - dataset -