.. image:: /_images/icons/app_workflows.png :width: 5% :align: right :target: index.html .. |Parallelization| image:: /_images/icons/icon_Parallelization.png :width: 4% :target: Parallelization.html .. _Parallelization: ################################# |Parallelization| Parallelization ################################# Parallelization is a process by which you can run multiple workers in parallel execution. It is primarily helpful in speeding up the execution or to run multiple simulations at the same time. Attached is the image of three simulations run in parallel. *Parallelization* .. thumbnail:: /_images/Images/Workflow/Workflows_Paralleization.png :title: Parallelization Easily create a parallelization of a section of a workflow by using the select multiple option and right-clicking. Click on the Select Multiple option at the bottom right corner. Then, we'll drag-select the part of the workflow that we want to clone. Finally, we'll right-click and choose the "Clone" option. Finish by connected the cloned parts to the start and end workers. .. video:: _static/movies/parallel/Parallel.mp4 :width: 100% | |