2.1. Lucy



  • Python 2 (Latest release of Python 2.7 can be found here)
  • Lucy Client installer.

How to install

Once the Lucy package installer has been downloaded, copy the install file to the desired install directory.

Using python execute the installer. On the command line, this looks like:

$ python d3view-0.6.0-full-p27_client.install

Now the Lucy Client is installed.

Add the install dir to the system path.

How to add to the system path

  • Windows users:
    1. Hold Win and press Pause.
    2. Click Advanced System Settings.
    3. Click Environment Variables.
    4. Append ;C:\path\to\lucy to the Path variable.
    5. Restart.
  • Mac users:
    1. Open up a Terminal window
    2. Enter the following command: touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
    3. Add the path by adding the following: export PATH="/path/to/lucy:$PATH"
    4. Save the .bash_profile and quit the editor.
    5. Load the .bash_profile with the following command: source ~/.bash_profile

How to import lucy.egg Python modules

Users need not be in the Lucy install directory as the current working directory to import Lucy Python modules. As long as you have the lucy.egg file and know its path, you can append this to sys.path in python that will add the relative working directory namespace. That is, in a Python interpreter, we can execute the following:

>>> import sys
>>> egg_path = '/Users/erictang/Desktop/Testing/test_egg/lucy.egg'
>>> sys.path.append(egg_path) # Now you can import modules by referencing them relative to the Lucy install directory
>>> from plugins.cartech_plugin import CartechPlugin