5.1. Lucy Extractors

This section describes the available Lucy extractor commands


usage: Lucy Plugins Model_displacement [-h] [-file file_name] [-output_file output_file]
                 [-node node] [-parts parts] [-indent indent]
                 [-timeout timeout] [-state_inc state_inc]
                 [-js3d_output js3d_output] [-json_output json_output]
                 [-multi_curve json_output] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -file file_name       D3plot file
  -output_file output_file
                        Output file name
  -node node            Nodes to use to transform the coordinate system
  -parts parts          Part ids to display
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json/js3d output
  -timeout timeout      Set timeout in seconds
  -state_inc state_inc  State increment, start:end:increment
  -js3d_output js3d_output
                        Flag to output js3d format
  -json_output json_output
                        Flag to output responses in json format
  -multi_curve json_output
                        Flag to output the curve for the minimum node for
                        multiple parts
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_responses [-h] [-tdms-directory tdms_directory]
                 [-image-directory image_directory]
                 [-movie-directory movie_directory]
                 [-test-info-file test_info_file_name] [-decimals decimals]
                 [-indent indent] [-output output]
                 [-include-tdms-channel-properties] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tdms-directory tdms_directory
                        Directory to search for tdms files
  -image-directory image_directory
                        Directory to search for image files
  -movie-directory movie_directory
                        Directory to search for movie files
  -test-info-file test_info_file_name
                        Directory to search for test json files
  -decimals decimals    Decimal level for rounding curve data value output
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
  -output output        Output file name
                        Flag to include channel properties in curve options
                        for tdms
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Dic [-h] [-d3plot_file d3plot_file_name]
                 [-output output_file_name] [-csv_file csv_file_name]
                 [-dic_file dic_file_name] [-summary summary] [-states states]
                 [-bound_box_scale bound_box_scale] [-prefix prefix]
                 [-point_increment point_increment] [-rotate_z rotate_z]
                 [-top_n_percent top_n_percent] [-time_scale time_scale]
                 [-timeout timeout] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d3plot_file d3plot_file_name
                        D3plot file name
  -output output_file_name
                        Js3d output file name
  -csv_file csv_file_name
                        Used to match dic time with simulation time
  -dic_file dic_file_name
                        Use this file instead of detecting all files. Used
                        with "-states" option having one element
  -summary summary      Flag to output summary
  -states states        Comma separated list of states to use, length must be
                        the same as number of dic files
  -bound_box_scale bound_box_scale
                        Scale factor for the bounding box size
  -prefix prefix        Used to detect dic files starting with prefix. Default
                        is "test-"
  -point_increment point_increment
                        Parse every point_increment values from Dic data
  -rotate_z rotate_z    Rotate the Dic data by this value before finding the
                        translation value
  -top_n_percent top_n_percent
                        Uses this subset of values to calculate the
                        translation value
  -time_scale time_scale
                        Factor to multiply by the Dic time when matching with
                        the simulation time
  -timeout timeout      Number of seconds before killing the plugin
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_crash_test_data [-h] [-directory directory] [-i curve_file_name]
                 [-mapping-file mapping_file] [-decimals decimals]
                 [-indent indent] [-name TEST_NAME] [-publish]
                 [-d3view-url api_url] [-d3view-port api_port] [-u username]
                 [-a api_key] [-application-key application_key]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  Directory to search for files
  -i curve_file_name, -input curve_file_name
                        Curve file name or base name for mme
                        Flag to include channel properties in curve options
                        for tdms
  -mapping-file mapping_file
                        Csv file that contains channel name mappings
  -decimals decimals    Decimal level for rounding curve data value output
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
  -name TEST_NAME       Name for physical test
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )

  Publish a physical test to d3VIEW

  -publish              Use this flag to publish a physical test to d3VIEW
  -d3view-url api_url   Url used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -d3view-port api_port
                        Port used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -u username, -user username
                        Name of the user as shown in d3VIEW
  -a api_key, -api-key api_key
                        Api key corresponding to the d3VIEW user specified
  -application-key application_key
                        Application key


usage: Lucy Plugins Barrier_measurement [-h] [-offset offset] [-f1 UNDEFORMED_FILE_NAME]
                 [-f2 DEFORMED_FILE_NAME] [-undeformed_point undeformed_point]
                 [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-transform_cs TRANSFOR_CS]
                 [-displace_distance DISPLACE_DISTANCE]
                 [-input_step INPUT_STEP] [-output_step OUTPUT_STEP]
                 [-assessment_area ASSESSMENT_AREA] [-bin_size BIN_SIZE]
                 [-plot_undeformed PLOT_UNDEFORMED]
                 [-plot_projections PLOT_PROJECTIONS] [-show_vis SHOW_VIS]
                 [-default_distance DEFAULT_DISTANCE]
                 [-direction_vector DIRECTION_VECTOR] [-use_grid USE_GRID]
                 [-grid_distance GRID_POINT_DISTANCE]
                 [-surface_size SURFACE_SIZE] [-show_surfaces SHOW_SURFACES]
                 [-plot_deformed PLOT_DEFORMED] [-d3plot_name D3PLOT_NAME]
                 [-d3plot_part D3PLOT_PART] [-boundary_parts D3PLOT_PART]
                 [-d3plot_rigid_part D3PLOT_RIGID_PART]
                 [-crop_outliers CROP_OUTLIERS] [-compare1 COMPARE1]
                 [-compare2 COMPARE2] [-indent INDENT]
                 [-cladding_bottom_dist CLADDING_BOTTOM_DIST]
                 [-cladding_top_dist CLADDING_TOP_DIST]
                 [-vehicle_width VEHICLE_WIDTH]
                 [-vehicle_centerline_offset VEHICLE_CENTERLINE_OFFSET]
                 [-timeout TIMEOUT] [-csv_output CSV_OUTPUT]
                 [-rotate_barrier ROTATE_BARRIER] [-morphtargets MORPHTARGETS]
                 [-transform_to_original TRANSFORM_TO_ORIGINAL]
                 [-plot_at_default_distance PLOT_AT_DEFAULT_DISTANCE]
                 [-num_states NUM_STATES] [-fringe_min FRINGE_MIN]
                 [-fringe_max FRINGE_MAX] [-fringe_inc FRINGE_INC]
                 [-state_inc STATE_INC] [-vehicle_parts VEHICLE_PARTS]
                 [-include_spheres INCLUDE_SPHERES] [-rhs_test]
                 [-algorithm ALGORITHM] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Produces a js3d from a point cloud of deformed and undeformed points

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -offset offset
                        Undeformed data file name
                        Deformed data file name
  -undeformed_point undeformed_point
                        Deformed data file name
                        Output file
  -transform_cs TRANSFOR_CS
                        Trasform all data points to the system defined by 3
                        points e.g. p1, p2, p3
  -displace_distance DISPLACE_DISTANCE
                        Use distance displacement
  -input_step INPUT_STEP
                        Step value for the input data
  -output_step OUTPUT_STEP
                        Step value for the output data
  -assessment_area ASSESSMENT_AREA
                        Only consider points in the assessment area e.g. n1,
                        n2, n3, n4
  -bin_size BIN_SIZE    Size of a bin for each axis e.g. sx, sy, sz
  -plot_undeformed PLOT_UNDEFORMED
                        Include undeformed data in the js3d output. True|False
  -plot_projections PLOT_PROJECTIONS
                        Include projections data in the js3d output.
  -show_vis SHOW_VIS    Show visualization
  -default_distance DEFAULT_DISTANCE
                        Default distance if projection misses all surfaces
  -direction_vector DIRECTION_VECTOR
                        Vector in the direction of motion
  -use_grid USE_GRID    Use a grid of points instead of raw undeformed data
  -grid_distance GRID_POINT_DISTANCE
                        Distance between points in the grid
  -surface_size SURFACE_SIZE
                        Size of the plane that gets hit
  -show_surfaces SHOW_SURFACES
                        Add the surfaces from each bin to the js3d
  -plot_deformed PLOT_DEFORMED
                        Plot the original deformed points in the js3d
  -d3plot_name D3PLOT_NAME
                        Path to d3plot to be extracted
  -d3plot_part D3PLOT_PART
                        Part id of the undeformed part to be extracted
  -boundary_parts D3PLOT_PART
                        Part ids to include in a csv file
  -d3plot_rigid_part D3PLOT_RIGID_PART
                        Part id to extract from d3plot to transform coordinate
                        system to
  -crop_outliers CROP_OUTLIERS
                        Remove points that are outside of the assessment area
  -compare1 COMPARE1    First js3d file to compare
  -compare2 COMPARE2    Second js3d file to compare
  -indent INDENT        Indent for the js3d output
  -cladding_bottom_dist CLADDING_BOTTOM_DIST
                        Distance from bottom of cladding sheet to bottom of
                        assessed area
  -cladding_top_dist CLADDING_TOP_DIST
                        Distance from top of cladding sheet to top of assessed
  -vehicle_width VEHICLE_WIDTH
                        Width of the vehicle
  -vehicle_centerline_offset VEHICLE_CENTERLINE_OFFSET
                        Offset from the vehicle centerline
  -timeout TIMEOUT      Set timeout in seconds
  -csv_output CSV_OUTPUT
                        Csv output file name
  -rotate_barrier ROTATE_BARRIER
                        Rotate the deformed points so that the projection is
                        perpendicular the barrier
  -morphtargets MORPHTARGETS
                        Flag to include each state in the js3d output
  -transform_to_original TRANSFORM_TO_ORIGINAL
                        Transform the resulting points back to the original
                        coordinate system
  -plot_at_default_distance PLOT_AT_DEFAULT_DISTANCE
                        Plot missed points/points outside of the assessed area
                        at the default value
  -num_states NUM_STATES
                        Number of states to include in morphtargets
  -fringe_min FRINGE_MIN
                        Fringe min value
  -fringe_max FRINGE_MAX
                        Fringe max value
  -fringe_inc FRINGE_INC
                        Fringe increment value
  -state_inc STATE_INC  State increment, start:end:increment
  -vehicle_parts VEHICLE_PARTS
                        Extra parts to include in the js3d
  -include_spheres INCLUDE_SPHERES
                        Include nodes as sphere parts
  -rhs_test             Measures the assessment area using RHS measurements
  -algorithm ALGORITHM  Algorithm for calculating distance from grid point to
                        deformed surface
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_test_info [-h] [-input test_info_file_name] [-output output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -input test_info_file_name
                        Input test_info file name
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extractor [-h] [-extractor_cli EXTRACTOR_ARGS]
                 [-delete_temp_files DELETE_TEMP_FILES]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Runs extractor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -extractor_cli EXTRACTOR_ARGS
                        space separated string of extra cli_ags. Ex: '-t
                        d3plot -f d3plot --js3d ""'
  -delete_temp_files DELETE_TEMP_FILES
                        Flag to delete temp files
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_intfor [-h] [-input input_file_name] [-output output]
                 [-directory directory] [-state_range state_range]
                 [-part_ids part_ids] [-indent indent] [-use_zip use_zip]
                 [-keep_internal_files keep_internal_files]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -input input_file_name
                        Input file name
  -output output        Input file name
  -directory directory  Directory to detect intfor files
  -state_range state_range
                        Directory to detect intfor files
  -part_ids part_ids    Directory to detect intfor files
  -indent indent        Indent for the json output
  -use_zip use_zip      Option to use js3d.zip structure
  -keep_internal_files keep_internal_files
                        Option to keep internal files the program produces
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_abf [-h] [-f input_file_name] [-o output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [-rsp-per-file rsp_per_file]
                 [-decimals decimals] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f input_file_name    Input .abf file name
  -o output_file_name   Output json file name
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
  -rsp-per-file rsp_per_file
                        Limits the number of responses per output file
  -decimals decimals    Decimal level for rounding curve data value output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Lsopt_import [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-lsopt-binary LSOPT_BINARY]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Import user results and optimize variables using Ls-Opt

positional arguments:
  CONFIG_FILE_NAME      Input config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Output file
  -lsopt-binary LSOPT_BINARY
                        lsopt binary file
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_keyword_material [-h] [-file_name file_name] [-output_file output_file]
                 [-output_hardening output_hardening]
                 [-include_add_erosion include_add_erosion]
                 [-use_scale_and_offset use_scale_and_offset]
                 [-var_input_file var_input_file]
                 [-include_var_materials include_var_materials]
                 [-indent indent] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -file_name file_name  Keyword file name
  -output_file output_file
                        Output file name
  -output_hardening output_hardening
                        Flag to output hardening curves
  -include_add_erosion include_add_erosion
                        Flag to include add_erosion curves
  -use_scale_and_offset use_scale_and_offset
                        Flag to use scale and offset values from DEFINE_CURVE
                        and DEFINE_TABLE
  -var_input_file var_input_file
                        Flag to use scale and offset values from DEFINE_CURVE
                        and DEFINE_TABLE
  -include_var_materials include_var_materials
                        Flag to use scale and offset values from DEFINE_CURVE
                        and DEFINE_TABLE
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Bms [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY]
                 [-f BMS_FILENAME] [-recursive] [-time-channel TIME_CHANNEL]
                 [-drop-channel DROP_CHANNEL]
                 [-rsp-per-file RESPONSES_PER_FILE] [-rm-repeating]
                 [-error-factor ERROR_FACTOR]
                 [-point-increment POINT_INCREMENT] [-downsize]
                 [-clean-initial-point CLEAN_INITIAL_POINT]
                 [-clean-final-zero] [-timeout TIMEOUT]
                 [-program-filter PROGRAM_FILTER]
                 [-database-file DATABASE_FILE] [-pre-scan]
                 [-output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [-scratch-dir SCRATCH_DIR]
                 [-thread-count THREAD_COUNT] [-publish]
                 [-prescan-file SCAN_DATABASE] [-post-files POST_FILES]
                 [-d3view-url api_url] [-d3view-port api_port] [-u username]
                 [-a api_key] [-application-key API_KEY]
                 [-program-name PROGRAM_NAME] [-project-name PROJECT_NAME]
                 [-template RESPONSE_TEMPLATE] [-replace] [-force-replace]
                 [-verify] [-meta-data] [-restart] [-single-upload]
                 [-skip-files] [-ppt] [-prefix PREFIX] [-suffix SUFFIX]
                 [-mapping-file MAPPING_FILE] [-verbose]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE        config_file
  -f BMS_FILENAME       BMS file name
  -recursive            True if the directory should be searched recursively
  -time-channel TIME_CHANNEL
                        Name of the time channel
  -drop-channel DROP_CHANNEL
                        Channels to drop
  -rsp-per-file RESPONSES_PER_FILE
                        Number of responses per file
  -rm-repeating         Remove repeating values
  -error-factor ERROR_FACTOR
                        Error factor
  -point-increment POINT_INCREMENT
                        Parse every point_increment values from bms data
  -downsize             Use this flag to downsize the data points
  -clean-initial-point CLEAN_INITIAL_POINT
                        Clean out the initial points from specified curves
  -clean-final-zero     Clean out the trailing zero points
  -timeout TIMEOUT      Number of seconds before killing the plugin
  -program-filter PROGRAM_FILTER
                        List of programs to filter based on
  -database-file DATABASE_FILE
                        Database file
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )

  Scan a bms file before uploading to d3VIEW

  -pre-scan             Scan before running
  -output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Prescan output file
  -scratch-dir SCRATCH_DIR
                        Scratch directory
  -thread-count THREAD_COUNT
                        Thread count

  Publish a physical test to d3VIEW

  -publish              Use this flag to publish a physical test to d3VIEW
  -prescan-file SCAN_DATABASE
                        Pre scan data location
  -post-files POST_FILES
                        Post files
  -d3view-url api_url   Url used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -d3view-port api_port
                        Port used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -u username, -user username
                        Name of the user as shown in d3VIEW
  -a api_key, -api-key api_key
                        Api key corresponding to the d3VIEW user specified
  -application-key API_KEY
                        Application key
  -program-name PROGRAM_NAME
                        Name of the program associated with the physical test
  -project-name PROJECT_NAME
                        Name of the project associated with the physical test
                        Template to apply
  -replace              Replace differing responses in existing physical test
  -force-replace        Replace existing physical test
  -verify               Verify local responses against existing physical test
  -meta-data            Update only metadata for physical test
  -restart              Restart using an extracted folder
  -single-upload        Upload responses one at a time
  -skip-files           Skip posting files
  -ppt                  Generate PowerPoint
  -prefix PREFIX        Prefix for published test name
  -suffix SUFFIX        Suffix for published test name
  -mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
                        Mapping file path


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_mat [-h] [-f input_file_name] [-o output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [--point-increment point_increment]
                 [--rm-repeating] [--error-factor error_factor]
                 [--rsp-per-file rsp_per_file] [--decimals decimals]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f input_file_name, --file input_file_name, -input input_file_name
                        Input .mat file name
  -o output_file_name, -output output_file_name, --json output_file_name
                        Output json file name
  -indent indent, --setw indent
                        Indentation level for json output
  --point-increment point_increment
                        Skip over every so many points
  --rm-repeating        Removes repeating values (or sequential values that
                        fall within the error-factor range)
  --error-factor error_factor
                        Range to use for rm-repeating option
  --rsp-per-file rsp_per_file
                        Limits the number of responses per output file
  --decimals decimals   Decimal level for rounding curve data value output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Image_chainer [-h] [-path PATH] [-path_to_convert PATH_TO_CONVERT]
                 [-temp_dir PATH] [-delete_temp_files DELETE_TEMP_FILES]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Changes images together

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -path PATH            Path
  -path_to_convert PATH_TO_CONVERT
                        Path to convert
  -temp_dir PATH        Path
  -delete_temp_files DELETE_TEMP_FILES
                        Flag to delete temporary files
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Js3d_std_dev [-h] [-directory directory] [-output output]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  Directory to search for js3d files
  -output output        Output file name
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_mme [-h] [-directory directory] [-zip-name zip_file_name]
                 [-output output_file_name]
                 [-channel-map channel_map_file_name] [-keep-temp-files]
                 [-indent indent] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  Directory to search for mme related files
  -zip-name zip_file_name
                        Name of zip file that contains mme data files
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name
  -channel-map channel_map_file_name
                        Csv file that contains channel name mappings
  -keep-temp-files      Option to keep temp files the program produces
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_mdf [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-channels CHANNELS]
                 [-s SUMMARY_FILE_NAME]
                 [-summary_output_type SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE] [-indent INDENT]
                 [-output_extractions OUTPUT_EXTRACTIONS]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Runs extractor

positional arguments:
  INPUT_FILE_NAME       input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME   output file
  -channels CHANNELS    comma separated list of channels to extract
                        summary file name
  -summary_output_type SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE
                        summary output type (csv | json)
  -indent INDENT        number of spaces to indent for json output
  -output_extractions OUTPUT_EXTRACTIONS
                        Flag to output extractions
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Cartech [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY]
                 [-f CARTECH_FILENAME] [-recursive] [-rm-repeating]
                 [-timeout TIMEOUT] [-publish] [-d3view-url api_url]
                 [-d3view-port api_port] [-u username] [-a api_key]
                 [-application-key API_KEY] [-program-name PROGRAM_NAME]
                 [-project-name PROJECT_NAME] [-template RESPONSE_TEMPLATE]
                 [-replace] [-meta-data] [-restart] [-skip-files] [-ppt]
                 [-scratch-dir SCRATCH_DIR] [-prefix PREFIX] [-suffix SUFFIX]
                 [-thread-count THREAD_COUNT] [-verbose]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE        config_file
  -f CARTECH_FILENAME   CarTech file name
  -recursive            True if the directory should be searched recursively
  -rm-repeating         Remove repeating values
  -timeout TIMEOUT      Number of seconds before killing the plugin
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )

  Publish a physical test to d3VIEW

  -publish              Use this flag to publish a physical test to d3VIEW
  -d3view-url api_url   Url used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -d3view-port api_port
                        Port used to navigate to d3VIEW.
  -u username, -user username
                        Name of the user as shown in d3VIEW
  -a api_key, -api-key api_key
                        Api key corresponding to the d3VIEW user specified
  -application-key API_KEY
                        Application key
  -program-name PROGRAM_NAME
                        Name of the program associated with the physical test
  -project-name PROJECT_NAME
                        Name of the project associated with the physical test
                        Template to apply
  -replace              Replace existing physical test
  -meta-data            Update only metadata for physical test
  -restart              Restart using an extracted folder
  -skip-files           Skip posting files
  -ppt                  Generate PowerPoint
  -scratch-dir SCRATCH_DIR
                        Scratch directory
  -prefix PREFIX        Prefix for published test name
  -suffix SUFFIX        Suffix for published test name
  -thread-count THREAD_COUNT
                        Thread count


usage: Lucy Plugins Lsopt_sample [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-lsopt-binary LSOPT_BINARY]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Outputs data points using LS-Opt

positional arguments:
  CONFIG_FILE_NAME      Input config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Output file
  -lsopt-binary LSOPT_BINARY
                        lsopt binary file
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Get_solver_cmd [-h] [-j job_json] [-s server_name] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Generates a solver command

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j job_json           Json input or Job id.
  -s server_name        HPC Server name or id.
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Concatenate_excel [-h] [-directory directory] [-output_file output_file]
                 [-query_config query_config] [-clear_database clear_database]
                 [-output_type output_type] [-input_type input_type]
                 [-summary_file summary_file] [-header header]
                 [-header_included header_included]
                 [-database_name database_name]
                 [-collection_name collection_name] [-num_threads num_threads]
                 [-timeout timeout] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  directory to search for excel files
  -output_file output_file
                        Output file name
  -query_config query_config
                        Config file with queries for the database
  -clear_database clear_database
                        Config file with queries for the database
  -output_type output_type
                        Output type for queried responses
  -input_type input_type
                        Input type to extract into database
  -summary_file summary_file
                        File to write summary json to
  -header header        comma separated list of header names
  -header_included header_included
                        Flag to indicate that input csv files include a header
  -database_name database_name
                        Name of mongodb database to conenct to
  -collection_name collection_name
                        Name of mongodb collection to conenct to
  -num_threads num_threads
                        Number of threads to use for insertion into the
  -timeout timeout      Number of seconds before killing the plugin
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_movies [-h] [-directory directory] [-output output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  Directory to search for movies
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_unv [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE_NAME] [-filter_json FILTER_JSON]
                 [-map_file MAP_FILE_NAME] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME]
                 [-output_json OUTPUT_JSON] [-output_csv OUTPUT_CSV]
                 [-s OUTPUT_TYPE] [-indent INDENT] [-output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                 [-rsp_per_file RSP_PER_FILE] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Runs extractor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_FILE_NAME    input file
  -filter_json FILTER_JSON
                        json file to filter responses
  -map_file MAP_FILE_NAME
                        map input file
  -o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME   output file
  -output_json OUTPUT_JSON
                        json type flag
  -output_csv OUTPUT_CSV
                        csv type flag
                        output type
  -indent INDENT        Indent for json output
  -output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        directory to write output to
  -rsp_per_file RSP_PER_FILE
                        Max number of curve responses per json file
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Documentation_generator [-h] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Produces rst files for each plugin

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Pedpro [-h] [-output output_file_name] [-output_type output_type]
                 [-js3d_output js3d_output_file_name]
                 [-vehicle_file vehicle_file_name]
                 [-headform_file headform_file_name] [-parts parts]
                 [-headform_ids headform_ids]
                 [-headform_cg_node headform_cg_node]
                 [-windshield_ids windshield_ids] [-hood_ids hood_ids]
                 [-gridpoint_input gridpoint_file_name]
                 [-gridpoint_ids gridpoint_ids]
                 [-ground_z_coord ground_z_coord] [-timeout timeout]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name for transformation of headform (json)
  -output_type output_type
                        Output file format. (csv|json)
  -js3d_output js3d_output_file_name
                        Optionally outputs a js3d file
  -vehicle_file vehicle_file_name
                        Vehicle input file name
  -headform_file headform_file_name
                        Headform input file name
  -parts parts          Comma separated part ids to include
  -headform_ids headform_ids
                        Comma separated part ids for the headform
  -headform_cg_node headform_cg_node
                        Headform node id for the cg
  -windshield_ids windshield_ids
                        Comma separated part ids for the windshield
  -hood_ids hood_ids    Comma separated part ids for the hood
  -gridpoint_input gridpoint_file_name
                        Gridpoint csv input file name (csv)
  -gridpoint_ids gridpoint_ids
                        Comma separated gridpoint ids
  -ground_z_coord ground_z_coord
                        z coordinate for ground level
  -timeout timeout      Number of seconds before killing the plugin
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Spotweld [-h] [-d3hsp d3hsp_file_name] [-d3plot d3plot_file_name]
                 [-element_csv element_csv] [-fringe_csv fringe_csv]
                 [-output output] [-d3hsp_directory d3hsp_directory]
                 [-d3plot_directory d3plot_directory]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d3hsp d3hsp_file_name
                        Input d3hsp file name
  -d3plot d3plot_file_name
                        Input d3plot file name
  -element_csv element_csv
                        Input csv file name for elements
  -fringe_csv fringe_csv
                        Input csv file name for fringes
  -output output        Output file name
  -d3hsp_directory d3hsp_directory
                        Directory to detect files
  -d3plot_directory d3plot_directory
                        Directory to detect files
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_tdms [-h] [-input tdms_file_name] [-output output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [-decimals decimals] [-summary]
                 [-channels channels] [-include-properties]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -input tdms_file_name
                        Input tdms file name
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
  -decimals decimals    Decimal level for rounding curve data value output
  -summary              Outputs a summary if set
  -channels channels    comma separated list of channels to extract
  -include-properties   Flag to include channel properties in curve options
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_images [-h] [-directory directory] [-output output_file_name]
                 [-indent indent] [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -directory directory  Directory to search for images
  -output output_file_name
                        Output file name
  -indent indent        Indentation level for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Extract_dat [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME] [-channels CHANNELS]
                 [-s SUMMARY_FILE_NAME]
                 [-summary_output_type SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE] [-indent INDENT]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

Runs extractor

positional arguments:
  INPUT_FILE_NAME       input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_FILE_NAME   output file
  -channels CHANNELS    comma separated list of channels to extract
                        summary file name
  -summary_output_type SUMMARY_OUTPUT_TYPE
                        summary output type (csv | json)
  -indent INDENT        number of spaces to indent for json output
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )


usage: Lucy Plugins Mdf_dat_sync [-h] [-dat_file dat_file] [-dat_files dat_files]
                 [-dat_channel dat_channel] [-mdf_files mdf_files]
                 [-mdf_channel mdf_channel] [-time_channel time_channel]
                 [-channel_filter channel_filter] [-directory directory]
                 [-output_file output_file] [-summary summary]
                 [-auto_sync auto_sync]
                 [-sync_time_channels sync_time_channels] [-indent INDENT]
                 [-keep_internal_files keep_internal_files]
                 [-otype LUCY_OUTPUT_TYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dat_file dat_file    dat file name
  -dat_files dat_files  Comma separated list of dat files. ex: "file1,file2"
  -dat_channel dat_channel
                        dat channel
  -mdf_files mdf_files  Comma separated list of mdf files. ex: "file1,file2"
  -mdf_channel mdf_channel
                        mdf channel
  -time_channel time_channel
                        dat time channel used for syncing
  -channel_filter channel_filter
                        dat/mdf channel filter
  -directory directory  directory to detect dat and mdf files
  -output_file output_file
                        output file name
  -summary summary      Summary flag
  -auto_sync auto_sync  Includes synced channels in the responses output
  -sync_time_channels sync_time_channels
                        Flag to indicate syncing using time channels
  -indent INDENT        Indent for the json output
  -keep_internal_files keep_internal_files
                        Option to keep internal files the program produces
                        Lucy output type. [ output | json | none ] :: (
                        Default is output )