11.3. Proxy ServiceΒΆ
Once the license server is set up and running, the lucy proxy service can be enabled. Install the lucy proxy service package the same way the license server was installed, this time on the proxy host. The license server can be run on the same node as the license server, but please note, that the proxy service cannot be installed to the exact same directory as the license server.:
python lucy-0.7.0-p27-proxy-service.install
After installing the proxy service, the python 2.7.16 path is enabled, and the dependencies are installed, add the license connection information to the configuration by editing etc/config/lucy.json and adding the following key:
"lucy_license_server": "<<hostname of license server>>",
This will allow lucy to gather license information from the license server upon invocation.
To start the proxy service, run:
nohup ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/lucy proxy_service -otype json </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Note the default port is 18080, but that can be changed by specifying the -port option