3.2. Server Generate

What is the Server Generate?

The Server Generate cron job that generates a default server config json. The job requires the type of scheduler and the path to the scheduler.

For a brand new d3VIEW server, both arguments scheduler-type and scheduler-bin-path must be specified. The server generation will create a json file which can be loaded into the d3VIEW hpc administration screen to create a new HPC Server.

How to run

The Server Import cron job should be manually invoked by using Lucy. The most basic command is:

$ lucy server generate PBS /opt/torque/bin

lucy server generate scheduler-type scheduler-bin-path


Parameter name When required
scheduler-type Always required
scheduler-bin-path Always required

This is the type of scheduler that is used when importing directly from a scheduler. Supported types include: [ pbs, pbspro, pbs+maui ]


This is the path to the scheduler binaries that is used when importing directly from a scheduler.