3.7. Batch Submit


The Submit tool is used by invoking Lucy, and specifying the arguments needed to submit a batch job. The most basic command is as follows:

$ lucy submit batch ${ARGS}

In d3VIEW on the administration page, the command is typically as follows:

/share/apps/d3view/v6/bin/lucy submit batch -solver_type <%SOLVER_TYPE%> -v <%SOLVER_VERSION%> -ncpu <%SOLVER_NCPU%> -i <%SOLVER_INPUT%> -q <%SOLVER_QUEUE%> -w <%SOLVER_WTIM%> -u <%USER%> -hpc-server <%SERVER_ID%> -job-dir <%JOB_DIR%>

If the submission host is not the d3VIEW server, an additional argument shost should be added to the submit command in d3VIEW, with the value of either the ip or hostname of the submission host:


To configure the defaults, edit the d3view.json configuration file. Note the submit_defaults section.

The standard submit_defaults section looks as follows:

"submit_defaults": {
    "solver_type": "lsdyna",
    "solver_user_ncpu": 16,
    "hpcserver_name": "hpcserver",
    "scripts_base_dir": "/share/apps/d3view/v6/bin/",
    "solver_run_script": "${scripts_base_dir}/lucy execute",
    "rsh": "ssh",
    "rcp": "scp",
    "rsync": "rsync",
    "from_host": "HOSTNAME",
    "scheduler_type": "pbs",
    "scheduler_path": "/usr/local/bin/",
    "scheduler_qsub": "${scheduler_path}qsub",
    "submission_home": "/home/d3view/",
    "job_queue": "default_queue",
    "scheduler_walltime": "960:00:00",
    "solver_run_type": "batch",
    "solver_total_ncpu": "2",
    "solver_node_ncpu": "2",
    "solver_precision": "single",
    "solver_main_memory": "800000",
    "solver_decomp_memory": "800000"

All of the defaults should be set based on your current environment.

Specific items to check: • hpcserver_name This is the name of the default d3VIEW Hpc Server • scripts_base_dir This is where Lucy will be installed on the compute nodes. • scheduler_type This is the type of scheduler (pbs | lsf | slurm) • scheduler_path This is the path to the scheduler binaries, such as qsub • submission_home This is the path where the batch job files will be created when submitting a job

All of these items are set to match your site specific job.batch.jinja file found in etc/templates.

Also, adding an option remove_batch_after_submit and setting it to "True" will delete the batch file once the job has successfully been submitted.