Application Features: Scientific Databases

d3VIEW’s application for scientific databases boasts intelligent features that make managing and organizing data painless. Not only does the app organize data into an advanced table, but it’s filters, viewing and visualization capabilities enhance the experience of data governance. Let’s review these amazing features. Scientific Data Support Databases support an array of data types that…

June 3, 2021 | by

d3VIEW’s Powerful Data Extractions

Data extraction is a powerful process for transforming data for data mining. In simplest terms, extracting data means structuring it, and we need structured data to support faster decision-making. Yet, data extraction can go deeper than this, as it can further transform already structured data to reveal even more insights. When we start transforming on…

May 27, 2021 | by

Highlighting Our Favorite Curve Transformations

Did you know d3VIEW has over 900 workers for employing data extractions and scientific processes? Many of these workers also correspond to transformations that can be applied individually to data responses, particularly curve responses. Curves may very well be the most used way to visualize scientific data which is why curve transformations can be so…

May 20, 2021 | by

User Roles in d3VIEW

A multitude of ways to explore and interpret data promises numerous roles that do the exploring and interpreting. Just about every field and discipline uses data to supplement, advance or clarify decisions. At d3VIEW, we have room for them all with specialization for engineers and scientists. Here, we’ve put together a list of our main…

May 13, 2021 | by

Test Engineer Process: How d3VIEW Aids in Virtual Product Development

d3VIEW offers solutions for a variety of sciences and disciplines. Test Engineers are not excluded from this as the platform has a dedicated application for physical tests that works in tandem with other features and applications to enhance product development. 1. Prototype and Testing The first step of the process involves the physical testing phase.…

May 6, 2021 | by

Highlighting Our Favorite Visualizers in Simlytiks

d3VIEW’s Simlytiks application offers over 40 different possibilities for exploring your data through our rich visualizer library. Simlytiks visualizers are exactly what they sound like: data presented into visual displays such as graphs, charts and even animations. Here, we’ll go over some of our favorites and show a sneak peak at what they can do.…

April 22, 2021 | by

d3VIEW Applications: A Cheat Sheet on How They All Connect

The d3VIEW Applications collaborate together to make your data-to-decisionTM experience seamless. Each application has a specific role, from data management in Databases to data exploration in Simlytiks, as part of the whole. Structure your data-to-decisionTM making based on how they connect to get the most out of your experience on the platform. The following graphics…

April 15, 2021 | by

Layout Editor for Templates

Simlytiks Layouts can now be edited directly under a template. In the Templates application, open a template to edit it. Tab over to the Layout Section and use the list of responses to create pages populated with visualizations. The editor is set up just like Simlytiks and uses basic placeholders, so you can get an…

April 9, 2021 | by

New Ranking Table Visualizer for Simlytiks®

In addition to the 40+ visualizers, Simlytiks® now has yet another new way to visualize your data. The new Ranking Table visualizer presents your data in table format with sized and colored bars for quick and easy comparisons between tests, models, occurrences, specimens, data samples, etc. Usually set up in descending order, you can employ Ranking…

March 26, 2021 | by

New Simlytiks Layouts: Save Your Visualization Format

You can now save and implement your method of exploring for Simlytiks datasets. Layouts allow you to integrate a particular visualization set-up for your data. Save multiple layouts to switch between different explorations easily, or create a main layout to apply a standard to similar datasets. Saving a layout preserves pages, visualizations, including their customizations,…

March 11, 2021 | by