3. Start Worker

Start worker in Worfklows allows users to add multiple inputs to the worker based on requirement. These inputs can be used or assign to any worker in the Workflow based on the input type.

Start worker when opened shows a Modal to add inputs from the right panel. We can drag and drop the inputs to the left side of the start worker to add inputs and save them.

3.1. Inputs in Start worker

The Inputs in the start worker are available on the right side of the worker modal. We have different types of inputs such as Text,Curve,Dataset etc… These inputs can be added to the start worker with the values accoringly and can be saved to the start worker. The saved inputs can be further used in any worker’s input in the Workflow.

List of Input types in Start worker. Each link can be used to access inputs in that Start worker
Name of the Input Type Type Description
Text_Input Text Text input defines a single line text input field
Number_Input Number Number input defines a field for entering a number.
File_Input File A file input’s value attribute contains a string that represents the path to the selected file(s)
Curve_Input Curve Curve is a 2D data representing a series of X-values and its associated Y-values. It can be visualized in a tabular format or in a curve plot
list_Input List list Attribute is used to identify a list of pre-defined options for an element to suggest the user.
Set_Input Set Set input is used to set the inputs.
Keyvalue_Input Keyvalue KeyValue Fields provide a convenient way to add non-structured information to your content
Dropdown_Input Dropdown The dropdown input allows users to select a value from a list of options. Unlike native select elements, the dropdown input allows you to customize both its appearance and behavior
Dataset_Input Dataset A worker input that is a structured input containing rows and columns of data
TextArea_Input TextArea The <textarea> element is often used in a form, to collect user inputs like comments or reviews.
Date_Input Date Elements of type=”date” create input fields that let the user enter a date.
Datatime_Input Datetime Datetime input defines a date and time picker
Set-non-unique_Input Set non-unique Adds Set non-unique input
Remote_lookup_Input Remotelookup The Remote lookup field is a useful way to get data from external systems into your form. With the ability to specify URLs, request types, headers, and data extraction methods
Image_Input Image Image input can be added locally
Video_Input Video Image input can be added locally
Peacock_Input Peacock Peacock is a graphical front end for the MOOSE input file syntax. Peacock allows the user to build or modify an input file, execute the application
Boolean_Input Boolean The Boolean input field enables users to input a “true” or “false” value in an entry
Password_Input Password The input type=”password” defines a password field (characters are masked)
Formtable_Input Formtable Formtable input is collection of user data in a form
Hyperlink_Input Hyperlink Hyperlink input is for entering the URL
Heading_Input Heading Heading is text input with characters
HorizontalSeperator_Input Horizontal seperator Horizontal seperator input seperates the records
VerticalSeperator_Input Vertical seperator Vertical Seperator input seperates the records
Location_Input Loaction Loaction input define the types of Place data to return when requesting Place Details
Range_Input Range Range input defines a control for entering a number whose exact value is not important
Colorpicker_Input Color picker Color Picker is a color selection input field that allows you to choose your color formed
Datapoint_Input datapoint Datapoint input specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field
Remotefile_Input Remotefile A file is a resource that is controlled and referenced by file handle variables
Workerinput_Input WorkerInput WorkerInput input allows user to select the inputs from workers
DefineTable_Input DefineTable Definetable input allows user to add values and curves to the input
DefineTable3D_Input DefineTable3D Definetable 3D input allows user to add values and curves to the input
Condition_Input Condition Condition input can be used in a form for handling a group of form fields
Unit_system_Input Unit system Unit system input defines the selection of the unit system
Convert_to_Unit_system_Input Convert to Unit system Convert to Unit system input defines the selection of units to be converted

3.2. File Rules based extractions

In Workflows, we have new option called File rules. This options allows user to save the rules of the files and also helps in mapping inputs available in the start worker from different files. The mappings and Rules are now saved to the start worker. The mappings can be edited or can be changed by adding another source file which meets the rules from the previous file.

Import a file and define rules for file names

The below video shows how to Define rules based on sheets and extract inputs and map them.

Example to map curve input and edit the curve

The below video shows how to Define rules based on sheets and extract inputs and map them.

Import a new file with values for the mappings

The video below shows how to updated the values of the mapping inputs

Export and Import the Rules

We can export the existing Rules and Import them on to the new workflow.

The below video shows how to Export and Import the Rules to the Workflow.

Rules can also be added based on the cell

The below video shows how to Define rules based on Cell

Autoplay option

Updating mapped input from rule files option is available in Autoplay mode in Workflows, where we can update the inputs using rule files.​

Rule files option is available in Autoplay mode


Inputs mapped using rule files now show a message just below their value container indicating file name and file rule in Start worker.

Message just below their value container

Mapped cells

In start worker, when File Rule based mapped input is opened in Data Parser, the data-parser sheet will now automatically highlight the previous selection.​

File mapped cells

3.3. Actions Examples

Observers/Actions work in pairs to observe inputs and trigger necessary actions on other Inputs. Observers are the conditions that are available to trigger the Actions. Actions are events that will occur on an INPUT based on the Observer State. In Workflow, we have 10 types of Observers and 8 types of Actions that can be used as shown below.

Types of Actions and Observers

Below are few Examples for Actions/Observers.


Example - 1 Use Observer on a TEXT-INPUT with the condition EQUAL to trigger an event that Hides another TEXT-INPUT. In this video, you will see how to create an Action and Trigger the Event using the observer as mentioned in this Example.

Example - 2 Use Observer on a TEXT-INPUT with the condition EQUAL to trigger an event that Hides another TEXT-INPUT.

Example - 3 Use Observer on a NUMBER-INPUT with the condition GREATER THAN to trigger an event that Show the DATASET-INPUT.

Example - 4 Use Observer on a FILE-INPUT with the condition INPUT FILE CHANGE to trigger an event that Resets the value of CURVE-INPUT.

Example - 5 Use Observer on a NUMBER-INPUT with the condition LESSER THAN to trigger an event that will Run worker to get value for REMOTELOOKUP-INPUT.

Example 1 –

Example 2 -

Example 3 -

Example 4 -

Example 5 -

3.4. Actions and options

3.5. Actions

UI for ‘Actions’ is updated with a Table having options to create/view/search and test the Actions. ​

‘Add Action’ button when clicked will open a window where the new action is created and added to the top row of the table in Workflows.

UI for Actions now supports filters where table can be filtered based on input, type of condition or searched by a string.

Actions feature now supports a new tree view which is by default grouped by action groups and if no groups are available, all actions fall under 1 node.

Actions table Input names ( both For input and Dependent Input ) will now show a popover showing the actual referenced input and its value.


Actions can now be exported from the Export button in the header to a JSON file and can be imported as is using the Import button in Workflows.

Actions in a row will have an option called ‘logs’ which will open will open all logs associated with that action in a table.


Old version below

In several complex workflows, inputs are dependent on each other and this dependence require us to allow the ability to define the dependence. As an example, when a Text input is changed, value of certain inputs should change to a specific value.Such interactions and dependence are now possible with the new feature named “Input Actions”.

Actions option for inputs in start worker now supports rearranging the order of different actions in the modal under Workflows.

The Conditions option in the actions feature now supports usage of ‘Expressions’ for the dependent action inputs in Workflows.

Actions operator has new value called ‘Not Equals to’ for Text/List/Select input workers in Workflows.

Multiselect option is now available to select multiple dependent inputs for the Actions created in the Start worker.

When multiple inputs are selected and added to actions using context menu , then the inputs selected are automatically available in the dependent input list under actions.

Typeahead search is now available for Actions when input conditions are selected as ‘Equals’ in Start worker.

Typeahead search

Actions can be now cloned in Start worker under Workflows

Clone Actions

Actions options in Workflows can now be Expanded/Collapsed which helps us view full action information and view multiple inputs.


Actions in Workflows now supports Grouping. The Actions can be removed from a group or moved between the groups.

Actions in Workflows now supports invoking of a worker and showing its output in the selected controlled input under start worker. The workers can be invoked while creating the Actions. The video here shows an example of invoking the worker for the Remote lookup input.

Play button in Actions turns to a stop button and once we click on the stop button Action will not be performed on the input and the input is reset to previous value.

Purple border is available on the left side of the input when Actions are added to the inputs in start worker.

border is available

Controlled inputs can be identified with the presence a yellow-colored bordering line on the left, within Actions. This is visible while hovering over the main inputs or the action inputs.​

Controlled Inputs


New file type formatters are now added to Action inputs and Action worker outputs in Workflows

File type formatters

In Start worker Actions, Worker output will now toggle the option ColumnToUse depending on what type of output is chosen.

The Actions in the start worker can be Expanded/Collapsed and these are saved to the action settings in Workflows


Play and Stop buttons are now unified in Actions under Start worker.

Play and Stop buttons unified

Repeated inputs can be added to workers and saved when invoked in Actions under Start worker.

Set multiple

Start worker list input’s multiple flag can be enabled using the Actions in Workflows.

Views Actions

Actions in the start worker has a new view called Table view which will show a tree view of the action groups on the left and a table of the corresponding actions which will have edit and remove options in each of the rows. ​​

Each input in Start worker has its own Actions button which will open the actions viewer and scroll to the corresponding row​.

Action labels in start worker can be edited. The edit icon is shown beside the label along with clone​

Actions will be re-run when we change the values in the inputs and provide updated results in Workflows.​