11. Workflow Features¶
11.1. Start workfer Input options¶
New option in Start worker input’s context menu to add the inputs to a dataset row using match maker is available and a dataset input is created with the input columns.

Dataset row using match maker
Dataset inputs in start worker and other workers with hidden table not showing the dataset content here will now give a quick summary of rows, columns and column names.

Hidden table
Dataset inputs coming from ‘create using previous workers’ will now have an option ‘Mapped in the Format’ which will allow a new format of the dataset to be saved to the input based on the selected input.

Mapped in the Format
Rows and columns are shown in Dataset inputs when dataset is hidden and if the columns are > 20 we have a ‘see more’ button to view them in Workflows.

Columns are > 20
View in Simlytiks button for dataset outputs is now available within the options menu in the top header in Workflows.

View in Simlytiks button
Dataset inputs in start worker when rendered will now show the total count below the table in the worker.

The total count below the table
Dataset outputs can be enlarged and viewed or can be viewed in Simlytiks in workers.
Dataset inputs when edited as text will allow changes like removing the rows or adding a new row or removing a column in both start and other worker dataset inputs.
Dataset inputs in workers now have a Simlytiks button right beside the enlarge icon for quick access.

Simlytiks button right beside the enlarge icon
The UI is updated for the header in Start worker for search , filter and views to be in a single line.

Header in Start worker
All Inputs tab is now visible in all the view types (nested, tabbed etc) in Start worker under Workflows.

All Inputs tab
Dataset outputs¶
Dataset outputs in workflow when viewed in Simlytiks will allow 1) Save to user account using File -> Save and 2) Tools -> Update template which will be saved in the dataset output and restored on next re-open.
Dataset outputs in workers will now be displayed using the generic dataset template with no. of rows, columns, and names. Clicking on it will expand the dataset

UI with summary
For the Dataset outputs if number of rows <= 5, number of columns <= 10 and scalar columns, a simple table output is shown in the display.

UI with summary
For Dataset outputs, The simlytiks layout can be saved to the output when viewed in simlytiks and can be removed using the remove button.
List input dependent on Dataset¶
When a list input in the worker is dependent on a Dataset input in the worker, and the dataset is changed or updated, the list input values will also be updated as Dataset changes.
When uploading a new dataset to Dataset inputs in Start worker, 2 options are available - To ‘Replace’ or to ‘Open the mapper to map the columns between datasets’.
File inputs Icon¶
File input container’s UI is updated to show 1) File names with pill icon 2) Edit and remove buttons and 3) Info popover with file details in Workflows.
file icon
File input in start worker can be quickly set to ‘multiple’ using the 3 dots dropdown like list input in Workflows.’
file icon
File inputs in workflows have a new context menu option to set a file input as primary which will be saved to the worker.
File inputs in Workflows can now be downloaded using context menu options.

File inputs Download
Editable list inputs in workers now has an updated UI which helps to display a complete dropdown list.

Editable List Inputs
File inputs in workers (user inputs) now has the Multiple option in the options dropdown which will allow single or multiple file uploads.

File inputs Multiple
Text area input files¶
Text area inputs in Workflows when uploaded with CSV, excel or other files will be displayed like File inputs indicated by a pill icon in both start and other workers.

Text Area input file icon
Add Reference¶
Worker modal inputs have new option to add reference to existing input in any previous worker in Workflows.
11.2. Multiselect Inputs¶
Multiselect list inputs are now sortable by default which will save the order in the inputs of Worker in Workflows.
11.3. Search workers¶
Workflow search input field will auto increase field size to accommodate the input width.
Workflow search list will now show a simple table with ID, type followed by label followed by options to view or navigate .

Search worker table
When enter keyboard button is pressed in Workflow search , the items will now re-search and re-render.
Start worker¶
START worker Search bar will now show a table with the searched inputs, group they belong to and a Navigate button which will switch the active group.
In Start worker, searching for inputs in ‘All Inputs tab’ will now simply scroll to the input on clicking Navigate within the search table.
11.4. Execeution Meta worker¶
In the workflows page under Shapes, a new worker called ‘Execution meta’ is available now that has an input to filter out the workers to be selected to add to the output dataset showing execution time and other information.
11.5. Render worker labels based on maximum count¶
Text size changes when ‘Render worker labels based on maximum count’ setting is turned on in workflows. Zoom in/out updates the labels to different fonts of the visible workers.
New setting is available in workflow called ‘Render worker labels based on maximum count’. At any point in zoom, maximum labels shown will be based on types of workers (decision, reporters, normal workers) being < 10 (which is the default count) with a default font size.
11.6. Invalidate Caches¶
New tool added in workflows to invalidate caches which will remove cached data from reporters, slides dataset which is local data, iterations saved outputs sanitizations . This option is available under Tools and Export modal.

Invalidate Cache
11.7. Date Inputs¶
Date inputs in the Start worker can be given as inputs to other scalar inputs in the Workflow.
11.8. Curve inputs Table¶
Table view of the Curve inputs now shows X and Y columns for the curves and for multiple curves , we have column names such as Curve 1_x, Curve 1_y, Curve 2_x, Curve 2_y, etc.
11.9. Preserve outputs on workflow reset¶
All workers have a new option in their Options tab to ‘Preserve outputs on workflow reset’ which will not reset the outputs to null when workflow is reset but only do it when the worker is actually executed.
11.10. Datasource¶
New data source for dataset inputs called ‘Using previous worker outputs’ is available and also has an edit button right beside the data source select to help configure the inputs.
11.11. Worker’s Attributes Comparison¶
Worker’s Attributes Comparison option available in shapes will now support comparison of either workers or inputs depending on the comparison type selected (first input) and accordingly, the output result is updated in Workflows.
11.12. Iterator mode¶
Iterator mode in worker modal now has support to create experiments/iterations using the DOE sampling generator worker which will render the DOE worker right within the same modal, allow input changes and execution will add the results to the table.
Iterator mode in worker modal will be initiated with one row of iteration along with the default inputs in worker.
Iterator mode in worker modal has DOE creation which will now show only the scalar inputs within the parameters table with min and max values initialized with 0.8 * default value and 1.2 * default value respectively
Iterator START and END can now be connected to and from any workers just like any other worker in Workflows.

START and END can now be connected
Iteration in Workflows has a new step which is the default that has options for name, description, color etc. and the Inputs tab is now moved to its own tab in the following step.

Iteration first step
UI updated for Iterations where the Inputs’ step has two parts ( input and mapping) placed side by side in modal.

step has two parts input and mapping
If an END worker is connected and added within an iteration, it will by default act as a BREAK worker i.e. iteration execution will break out and run the iterator END and continue with further workers outside the iteration.
New context menu for option in iterator is available to CONTINUE the iteration if previous iterations were completed and the number of iterations was changed to a number above the previous count which will not reset the outputs but start accumulating to previous saved outputs.
Iteration start worker has a new input by default called Iteration Counter which as the name suggests will have the value of the current iteration counter and can be used in any workers or decision like any other input.
Iteration dataset inputs based on previous worker dataset can now be configured without the dataset having any value in it but only the schema.
Iterations have new context menu option to resume iteration in workflow.
Iterating label is shown at the bottom right of the outline box in Workflows.

Iterating label
Iteration inputs now allow counter, max_iterations to be chosen during mapping of inputs to iteration worker in Workflows.

Counter, max_iterations
Iteration step two shows only user and workers training datasource while selecting the iteration type and delete button will be available for each worker inputs added in Workflows.

User and workers training datasource
The Iterations outputs tab now supports all types of inputs to be collected along with outputs.

All types of inputs
Highlight workers¶
Iteration settings step now supports highlighting of workers using iteration inputs and workers whose outputs are being collected.

highlighting of worker
In Workflows, the Input assignment and output collected icons in workers within an iteration will now show tooltips with more information.

highlighting of worker
Dataset in iteration¶
In Iterations, when a dataset is chosen from a previous worker, a new option will now show up to support chunking of rows i.e. chunkSize will be sent in each iteration.

chunking of rows
Iterations dataset inputs will now support groupBy and sortBy for the dataset and the max Iterations will be set accordingly in Workflows.
In Iteration start , the ‘Choose column from dataset’ option shows dropdown with columns available when dataset input is selected for input in Workflows.

Choose column from dataset
Files in iteration¶
Added support for multiple file inputs in Iterations which will send 1 file per each iteration in Workflows.
New option to Aggregate the dataset output is available in iteration settings tab, which when enabled will show the collection of all dataset outputs of each iteration in Aggregation output tab.
Objectives in Iterator¶
In Iteration start , after assigned inputs maps and outputs, the next step is to add objectives. The Objectives step helps user to add an objective condition for the iterator loop which when met the iteration stops and comes out of the Iteration loop and resumnes the execution of the Workflow. The Objectives in iterator can be any input and output of the worker with a condition from the iterator loop.
Below picture shows a example of Objective added to the iterator.

Objectives in Iterator
The objective condition when met, the iterator will end the loop even if the iterations are not completed and resume the workflow execution.
Below video shows an example of objective iteration based condition workflow execution.
Added support for two new operators in Iteration END objectives called Minimize and Maximize and the execution will come out of iteration loop when the objective is met.

Minimize and Maximize
Doe in iteartor¶
Iteration Configuration now has a new step to configure DOE which will run DOE computations upon iteration completion. This will add a new output to the iterator END called DOE ParetoFrontResults that can be used in the next workers in Workflows.
Parallel executions¶
Workflow Iterations now supports specification of a chunk size when parallel execution is turned on.
11.13. Logs¶
Logs are added for the Unit system conversion values in Workflows.

Unit system conversion Logs
View logs in Flow modal footer will now use a new logs view showing a table format.

Logs Flow modal
Logs in Workflows will now show the scalar values mapped in Workflow provider and print them in logs container.

Logs scalar values
New logs are available in Workflow provider worker for Remote workflow mapper and Preprocessor in Workflows.

Logs Preprocessor
logs are available for worker input output assignments back to inputs with values and count in Workflows.

Logs output assignments
Logs in Workflows will now reset when we reset the Workflow.
Workflow Logs now prints all types of inputs (curve, curves, dataset, define table) before execution of start worker in Workflows.

Logs Inputs
Added logs in the Workflows for file uploads in worker inputs from Start and for files already existing in the list.

Logs File Uploads
Dataset inputs when printed in Workflow Logs will now contain a summary table with min/max/count for the columns

Logs min/max/count
Workflow logs now have a search bar which will search the log items.

Logs search bar
Workflow Logs will print start worker inputs before execution and end worker inputs are now printed upon successful execution as well.

Logs start worker inputs
Datasets inputs printed in Logs will now show a ‘See more’ button if column names are > 20 in Workflows.

Datasets inputs printed
Logs are now available when a worker is synced with template, inputs are removed, the attributes that were checked for sync etc.

Logs Sync worker
Added logs for DOE results computation in iterations.

DOE results computation
11.14. Import I/O Json¶
We can now import workers’ I/O as JSON to workflow and new table view is shown for summary of workers, all possible replacements and enable/disable applying of the new value individually.
Download Inputs JSON in worker modal will now export the JSON in the same format as global Export -> Workers I/O JSON which can then be imported in other workflows ( with similar workers) using File -> Import I/O from JSON.
Progress window with percentage and message is now available when Download Inputs JSON or Outputs JSON is clicked within the worker modal
as Workflow zip¶
In Workflows, the File -> Import I/O now supports uploading a workflow ZIP to the canvas.
11.15. Export options¶
Collected outputs¶
New option available under Export in workflow to export all collected outputs and End worker outputs to a PPT in Workflows.
11.16. Execution Options¶
Execution options in the worker context menu will now show only polling related options (if worker has polling support) during execution and if worker does not have polling enabled, the execution options will not show until global pause/stop is selected in Workflow page.
Maximum polling attempts to check for finished status in Workflow settings is set to 1 by default.

Workflow settings is set to 1 by default
In worker polling, if the response from the server has progress information, it will now be shown in the worker alert during polling in Workflows.

Progress information
11.17. Decision worker¶
Validation row in Decision worker will now enable selection of worker and I/O separately in Workflows.
Decision and Decision Hub workers will now show the Text annotations for the compared inputs/outputs validations on the edge of the workers.

Decision Text annotations
New option added in Options tab of decision and decision hub workers to show the edge annotations in terms of values instead of the mapped validation names in Workflows.
Decision worker operator value mapped to previous worker outputs will now display either the value (if available) OR the actual map in the input field.

Decision Operator value
In Decision worker, new controller called as Branch Execution is added which will allow selection of a worker within any branches which when executed will source back to the decision and re-run the flow
Added validation status above decision and decision hub worker after execution in Workflows.

Decision Validation
New condition called ‘Not equal to’ is added to decision workers in Workflows.

Not equal to
Decision worker when changed to data provider will now display the value of the input being passed to the worker.

Decision Provider
In Decision worker , new controller type called as Data Manipulator is available which will manipulate inputs from other workers if condition is TRUE.
Decision worker will now show question mark icon for normal decision worker, database icon for data provider worker, pencil icon for data manipulator worker.

Decision Worker Icons
Annotations in canvas will now be shown only for 1 data provider if there are multiple providers in the workflow.

Annotations for 1 provider
Decision manupulator¶
In Workflows, Decision manipulator will now assign the value of the manipulator to the chosen input which will be reset on workflow reset.
Data Providers¶
Decision data providers supports to send multiple data when multiple validations are satisfied in Workflow.

Multiple data
Decision data provider will now allow the validation name to be matched to input of the next worker in the Workflows
11.18. Import/Replacements¶
Replacements table in File -> Import I/O from remote workflow is updated to show worker type, pre-selected filters for only outputs and changed inputs.
11.19. Expression¶
The workers with expression input type now support new input type EXPRESSION which will render the workers list which can take arguments from previous worker outputs.
11.20. Assignments¶
Inputs in Start worker having assignments from other workers will show an option in their UI to choose collection of the assigned value before execution in Workflows.
11.21. Map Icon/ UI¶
Running a workflow will now show a map icon above the worker that is currently executing in Workflow.

Workflow map icon
Resuming from a worker which is not in the current workflow path will now provide a updated message showing invalidation of next worker outputs in chain and also provide an option to Navigate to current execution pointing worker in the workflow

Workflow header will change its color based on the state of the workflow i.e. light orange if workflow needs to be updated , it will also display a quick update button right beside the controls and light green once updated/saved.

Header Color
Save button in worker modal will either be red or blue depending on validity of the inputs based on required and unfilled in Workflows.

Save button
11.22. Update workflow after reaching end of execution¶
New setting is available in Workflows to ‘Update workflow after reaching end of execution’
New setting in workflow is available to DOCK the START worker, which shows the start worker on page when zoomed view makes start worker go out of bounds.
11.23. Inline flow modal¶
‘Save and Apply’ option is available in the flow modal when remote workflow is executed in the Workflow provider worker.

Save and Apply
Flow modal execution will now work as expected for the dataset inputs have GUI enabled. Also, dataset having error can be viewed and edited in the worker view inside the flow modal and resume the execution
11.24. Files in Start worker¶
ZIP file added to File input in start worker now supports deletion of files inside the ZIP in Workflows.
Text viewer/keyword viewer when opened in File Viewer now supports a new mode called GREP where search string will show only the matching lines and will reset once cleared
Excel based ZIP is now supported in files which contain the geometry for nodes, elements etc.

ZIP Files
11.25. Execution logic¶
The execution logic in worker options tab has a new option called ‘wait for all previous workers to be executed unless coming from decision path’ in Workflows.

wait for all previous workers to be executed
11.27. Unit System¶
When a curve is extracted using Unit Systems and quantities , it will override the workflow’s unit system before execution, if the workflow has its own unit system.
11.28. Default input¶
In Start worker, we can save the inputs as defaults and apply them back when required to the inputs in the Workflows.
Default view of the inputs in start worker is made simple with name in one row while value, data source and other options in subsequent rows/fields in Workflows.

Default view of the inputs
Sample inputs in start worker are sorted from A-Z and also provide a search field for inputs in Workflows.

sorted from A-Z
We can now unselect the items one by one using the eraser icon on the top left for selected items in start worker.
11.29. Render Inline flow modal¶
New option available in workflow settings called ‘Render Inline flow modal’ which will enable the flow modal of the workflow inside the canvas.
Inline flow modal colors for the header steps circles are now updated to green/lightgreen based on current/completed status of the steps.

Header steps circles
Last step in the Inflow modal will now show the collected outputs/END outputs in a simple list view in Workflows.
Confirmation alert message is available when ‘Disable Autoplay’ button is clicked in Inline flow modal .

Disable Autoplay
Inline flow modal now supports carousel controls for the worker panels when paused or on worker failure that will allow the user to go to any previous or next workers, edit and save and come back to current step and continue.

carousel controls for the worker panels
11.30. Chunk in Dataset workers¶
Chunk size support for all workers with dataset I/O, where dataset input and output are chosen for chunk and accumulation respectively.

dataset I/O
Chunk size in workflow dataset input now works as follows - if chunkSize < 0, number of calls to the server = specified chunk size and if chunkSize > 0, number of calls = dataset rows length / chunkSize in Workflows.

Chunk Size <0 and > 0
Chunking in dataset workers now allows an output to be chosen to send the chunk call.

Chunk Size Chunk Call
Chunking Worker options related to chunking are now moved to a separate tab under Parallel execution in Workflows.

Parallel execution in Workflows
Chunking in Workflows has new option to sort the accumulated dataset output by ID in workers.
Dataset chunk size option now has options to choose the inputs and outputs to be chunked in the worker.

:sup:`Inputs and outputs `
11.31. Workflow settings¶
New input called workflow settings is available in Start worker which when edited will change and reflect in the main Workflow settings.
Advanced settings in Workflow has a new option to save large dataset outputs in separate JSONs in the ZIP on every worker execution thereby optimizing memory usage.

Save large dataset outputs
Graph Information¶
New setting is available in workflow to show the graph information on the top right which will show 1) Nodes and Edges info 2) More info button which on expand will show wf description, wf categories of workers. 3) clicking on categories will highlight them in the workflow.
11.32. Nested View¶
Search in formbuilder (START worker ) will now be independent of the views ( nested, tabbed …) and will be available at the top of the container in the worker.
Nested view in Start worker is updated and now we see Groups and Subgroups arranged in the view and the inputs in the groups will be shown when we click on the Groups/Subgroups.

Nested View
Tabbed View¶
Tabbed view in Start worker will now show the inputs count in subgroup headers when collapsed in Workflows.

Tabbed view in Start worker
Vertical tab¶
Vertical tabs view in Start worker for inputs will now support a Add Group button below the vertical tabs list in Workflows.
Widget view¶
In the Start worker widget view, the inputs have option to specify width for the inputs in the worker which is saved to the Workflow.
START worker -> Widgets view will now show the inputs in a 3-column grid by default but individual items can be resized and moved around which will be saved to the settings.

3-column grid by default
Modern widgets¶
In Workflows, start worker now supports a new view called ‘Modern Widgets’ which shows groups/subgroups on the left and a simple scrollable inputs list on the right. We also have Edit button on top right corner for input which will expand, scroll and expose all options.
11.33. Start worker Edit/View mode¶
New input called workflow settings is available in Start worker which when edited will change and reflect in the main Workflow settings.
Start worker default view will not allow the editing of labels of the inputs in the worker.
11.34. Output reference¶
New options available under Tools in workflows to set current worker outputs as a reference. This can then be verified with different set of outputs ( obtained by re-running with different inputs) and compared with the reference using ‘Verify output with reference’ option which will show a table with clear differences between previous and current output values.
11.35. Error UI message¶
If the error message is too long , the error will now show the first 2000 characters and provide a View Entire Response button to view entire error message in Workflows.

Error message is too long
Worker execution error view modal when executed from within the worker will now show the error in a data viewer text editor format in Workflows.

Error view modal
11.36. AI Models¶
The values of ML Models in Workflow from the Start worker are now mapped to the Model Inputs correctly when ‘Predict’ is clicked to predict using AI.
The model inputs in Workflows are now listed in input order in both during the mapping and during the prediction.

AI models inputs
ML Models inputs in Workflow can be imported as Start inputs above the match maker in the Nav menu bar.
References can now be added using the default data source view where a Worker and Output can be chosen in ML Models Workflow.

In ML Model, the interactive mode is the default view mode in the Prediction tab.

Interactive mode is the default view mode
11.37. Add inputs as reference¶
Multiple inputs in workers can now be dragged /selected and added as reference in the start worker at once under either a new group or an existing group.
11.38. Keyword Export¶
New export option in workflow is available to export a keyword file in a specific format.
Workers in the Workflow can be exported as Keyword file, this option can be enabled while exporting the Workflows as zip file where all workers within the ZIP are saved as .k format instead of JSON.
Individual workers can be exported as Keyword file (.K) by enabling this option in Zip workflow export in Workflows.
The Workflow exported as Keyword can be edited/ re zipped and uploaded to the Workflows canvas. The keyword file can be directly uploaded to Workflow page as well.
Export as keyword file is available in workflows page and the keyword file can be edited, re zipped and added to Workflows page to view the changes.
New view in workflow View called Keyword is available which will open keyword editor and show the keyword format for the workflow.
11.39. Smart Update¶
New option called ‘Smart update’ is available under Files tab in Workflows which will update just the workers whose I/O s are edited or changed.
11.40. Tree Output Workers¶
Tree output of the worker now shows ID parts and edges correctly in the Workflows.

Tree output ID parts and edges
New worker called *SIMULATION_GET_BILL_OF_MATERIALS added to Workflows which helps to retrieve bill of materials of a completed simulation.
Tree view output will now render datatable of the tree data in Workflows.
Nodes in the tree output can be clicked to select and can be compared using context menu options, which will open a table view of selected rows where data can be compared
11.41. Simulation export geometry¶
Peacock models from workflow export_geometry worker will now allow two new options: Viewing the model 1) Using spheres and 2) Compare model with other models in the workflow ( if available ).
3D Peacock now supports new format for the faces.xlsx in output of the worker.
Support for new format of Zip file in workers output for 3D Peacock.

Zip file in workers output
Worker *SIMULATION_EXPORT_RESULT_GEOMETRY now includes element connectivity and state increments in the model output.

Element connectivity and state increment
Changed default camera views in Peacock to Left view.

Camera Views
All view types are now available for 3D peacock output model.
Peacock 3D models now rotates similar to the model in LS prepost application. The video shows comparison of 3D model in both d3VIEW and LS-Prepost.
Save 3D file to simulation option is now available in *SIMULATION_EXPORT_RESULTS_GEOMETRY worker in Workflows.

Save 3D
Last state input option is now available *SIMULATION_EXPORT_RESULTS_GEOMETRY worker under Workflows.

Last state input
*SIMULATION_EXPORT_RESULT_GEOMETRY worker now has input to provide state increments in Workflows.
*SIMULATION_RESULT_EXPORT_GEOMETRY worker now has a new input called custom file name which is useful in exporting the peacock model with custom name.
11.42. Terminal shapes¶
New setting added in workflow to show the START and END terminals of a workflow in circular shape.

Terminal Shapes
New shapes support added for Start/End workers along with circle - oval, parallelogram, hexagon under options.
11.43. Save History¶
Workers with option Save History = YES in the options tab will now save the outputs ran with different options as history and will show in the output container in Workflows.

Save History
11.44. Classifications¶
Worker Options tab now has a new setting called Classification with different types in Workflows.
In Workflows, shapes in the sidebar will now have predefined classifications. Classifications help users to identify the type of the worker.
Worker search filters dropdown now has an additional filter called By Shape which will help highlight workers based on chosen classifications.
11.45. Sourced inputs¶
New support added in workflow where workers can have their inputs SOURCED from other workers if defined in the format.

Sourced inputs
Dynakeyword workers work correctly when MAT_SAMP_LIGHT table id is < 0.
11.46. User inspection¶
Workers with User inspection enabled will now show a user inspection at the top left of their shape.

User inspection
11.47. Compact View¶
Compact view or guided view is now available for all Library workflows. We see this view when we click on the library workflow.
There are 4 steps in this view.
- Step1 shows the summary of the workflow.
- Step2 shows the configuration of start worker. In this step we can configure or import inputs to start worker from saved workflow or from JSON file.
- Step3 is used to save/update the Workflow.
- Step4 is for executing the workflow using Autoplay option.
Below view shows an example of the compact view for Library workflow.
11.48. Show Dependency¶
In Workflow, all workers’ context menu option will now have a new option to Show dependency in the form of edges which will fade out everything else but just add green edges from workers sending their outputs to this worker inputs and blue edges from this worker to workers using the outputs with proper annotation.