
32. Video Analyzer Worker

New features are added to Video Analyzer and UI is updated.

Added Video Analyzer to Workflows where we can analyze the video and execute them to view dataset output.

Video Analyzer now supports clipping of the video from both the ends

Video Analyzer Worker now supports .’AVI’ format files in Workflows.

New option added to Video Analyzer to change the layout GRID which is side by side view for the videos. We can change the layout for the videos and Save them. Also Video Analyzer is updated to Colorize the frame of a video (in gray scale).

Video Analyzer worker now supports compare region movements option where we can select the regions and compare them to view Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration. We also have editor controls under Tools option where we can edit the Frames and Annotate the Frames by adding shapes, drawing etc.

Now we can Rotate the Frame of the video in Video Analyzer worker in Workflows.

We can find Pixel difference frame by frame in Video Analyzer worker.

Video Analyzer now allows dragging of the region in the worker

Video information is available now in Video Analyzer worker

Video Analyzer worker auto opens the video when it is uploaded completely.

We can create groups and assign regions to the groups for Video Analyzer and we can also see Mean Displacement of the Group.

In Video Analyzer, now we capture Frame Image and export movement tracking data into CSV.

Zoom in, Zoom out and Auto-fit options are added to viewing the video in Video Analyzer worker​.

Grid size and Font color update options are added to Video Analyzer worker.

Grid size and Font color

Added ‘Accuracy Threshold Label’ option to Video Analyzer worker in Workflows.

If the accuracy of the match is less than the threshold, it will stop the animation. User can then drag and position it correctly for that given ​ frame and play again. By default, accuracy is set as 0.8 or 80%

Added background color for all text in the canvas of Video Analyzer.

UI update for Video Analyzer Worker and added support for movable Xmin Xmax Ymin and Ymax in Video Analyzer Worker.

32.1. Patterns

Video Analyzer now supports applying patterns from one video to another Video Analyzer worker. The Pattern from first worker can be given as input to the second worker and outputs are viewed after execution