32. Release Notes¶
32.1. 2024¶
2 New worker called *Gradient boost regression is added to Workflows.
4 New worker called *CURVE_INVERSE_XY added to Workflows.
8 *CURVE_SCALE worker now supports slope that can be used to scale stress strain curves along the line of slope in Workflows.
9 *Text parameterize worker now supports xml file format to create parameters in Workflows.
10 New worker called *TEXT_REPLACE is available to search and replace text in Workflows.
11 DOE_STUDY_LAUNCHER_FROM_SIMULATION worker now supports the ability to skip job submission. This is useful for testing the Madymo replacements.
14 DATASET_SIMULATED_ANNEALING worker now has a new input called ‘Objective’ in Workflows.
15 New worker *CURVE_ADD_DIFFERENCE is now available to convert the output of CURVE_DIFFERENCE back to its original curve in Workflows.
16 Added new workers called *CURVES_DIFFERENCE and *CURVES_ADD_DIFFERENCE to compute the difference and add to back the difference to the initial point in Workflows.
17 Added new worker *DATASET_SYNC_CURVE_COLUMNS to sync X values of curves from chosen columns in Workflows.
18 DATASET_SIMULATED_ANNEALING worker now has a new grid search input option in Workflows.
19 The Junction box worker now shows options tab by default like any other workers in Workflows.
20 New worker called *CURVES_GET_DATASET_FOR_CALIBRATION is added to Workflows.
21 CURVE_REGULARIZE_BASED_ON_UNIAXIAL worker is added to Workflows.
22 DATASET_SYNC_CURVE_COLUMNS worker now has new input options called ‘Monotonic’ and ‘Digitize’ in Workflows.
23 The Decision worker output can be now accessed by the other workers inputs in the Workflow under ‘Create Using Previous Worker Outputs ‘ option when Decision worker is changed as data provider.
24 New worker *DYNAKEYWORD_MAT_ADD_DAMAGE_GISSMO is added to Workflows.
25 DATASET_COMPUTE_PARETO_FRONT_OPTIMAL worker is now available and will support constraints input in Workflows.
26 New worker called *LSDYNA_PARSE_UNIAXIAL_SPECIMEN_INFO_FROM_FILE is added to Workflows to get uniaxial specimen information.
27 DATASET_SIMULATED_ANNEALING_OPTIMIZER worker now supports input called constraints in Workflows.
28 SIMULATION_CREATE_ARCHIVE worker now allows to change the archive file name in Workflows.
29 *CURVE_CLIP_WHEN_YMAX_DROPS_BY_PERCENTAGE worker now has a new input option called ‘Monotonic’ in Workflows.
30 New worker called *CURVES_FAILURE_YMAX_DROPS_BY_PERCENTAGE is added to Workflows.
31 New worker *DATASET_GET_CURVE_FROM_COLUMN is added to Workflows.
32 New worker called *CURVE_GET_SLOPE_BETWEEN is added for curve slope calculation between two specified points in Workflows.
34 New worker called *BINOUT_USER_EXTRACTOR is added which allows user to extract binout files.
35 New worker called *KEYVALUE_GET_STATE_FROM_TIME is added to Workflows.
38 New worker called *CURVES_EXPORT_CSV is added to Workflows.
39 *DATASET_COMPUTE_PARETO_FRONT_SORTED worker now allows constraints and targets inputs in Workflows.
40 New worker called *CURVES_RESULTANT_PAIRS added to Workflows.
41 New worker called *CURVES_SYNC_X_START_AND_END is added to Workflows with extrapolate options.
42 CURVES_SYNC_X worker has a new option zero which when used will extrapolate points by adding a zero value outside of the limits in Workflows.
43 New pairs workers *CURVES_ADD_PAIRS, CURVES_SUBTRACT_PAIRS, CURVES_MULTIPLY_PAIRS are available in Workflows.
44 New worker called *DATASET_FILTER_CURVE_COLUMN is now available to filter dataset with rows in Workflows.
45 DATASET_COMPUTE_PARETO_FRONT_SORTER worker now supports target values input in Workflows.
46 New worker *KEYVALUE_EXTRACT_MULTIPLE is now available to extract multiple rows matching the names provided in Workflows.
47 New worker called *CURVES_LOOKUP_YRANGE_MAX is added to Workflows.
48 *CURVES_LOOKUP_SCALAR worker now includes XRANGE/YRANGE input in Workflows.
49 New worker called *SIMULATION_GET_SHELL_IDS_NEAR_COORDS is added to Workflows to get shells near a coordinate.
1 Added new post-necking treatment called polymer_crazing2 input for *CURVE_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS worker in Workflows.
2 New worker *CURVE/CURVES_FORMAT_POINTS is added to Workflows to format the points of the curve.
4 In Workflows, the ‘Validate’ option available in the top header bar will now change its icon color.
5 The Run button in the header of the Workflows will now change its color to ‘Green’ or ‘Red’ color.
9 New workers *CURVE_OFFSET_TO_FIRST_POINT and *CURVES_OFFSET_TO_FIRST_POINT added to Workflows where X and Y of the first point is used to offset the curve values.
13 APPLY_RESULT_TEMPLATE worker now allows multiple simulation selections for the input in Workflows.
16 Comparing Input/Output data of the workers in workflows now support Text inputs and Text Area.
17 New options added to the input ‘Lookup type’ called ‘yq3, yq1, yavg_5p_last and yavg_2p_last’ in *CURVE_LOOKUP worker.
20 *CURVES_MATCH worker now has few new clip methods available in the input ‘Enforce Monotonicity’ to clip the worker’s output.
22 New worker called *SIMULATION_CREATE_ARCHIVE is added to Workflows to archive main input files. Simulation file names and extensions can now be specified in this worker.
25 New worker called *CURVES_REMOVEBYINDEX is added to Workflows.
26 New worker called *CURVES_REGRESSION_SMOOTH is added to Workflows.
27 All the Header buttons except ‘Stop’ are disabled during the execution of the workflow.
33 Added new option called ‘Exponential’ as one of the options to the post necking treatment input in *CURVE_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS worker.
34 Added more input options to MLP Regression worker in Workflows.
36 New option called ‘Smart Execution’ is now available in the settings menu under Workflows.
38 Added new input called ‘Digitize’ to *CURVES_CROSSPLOT worker in Workflows.
39 Added new worker *CURVES_GET_X_AT_DEVIATION to compute the deviations between two groups of curves in Workflows.
41 New worker *CURVE_GET_X_AT_DEVIATION is added to Workflows to find the point at the curve2 that deviates from curve1.
43 New input option called ‘Scale Factor’ is added to worker *CURVE_EXTRAPOLATE in Workflows.
48 Boolean inputs in the Start worker are now shown as Checkbox in Workflows.
49 New worker called *CURVES_CRITICAL is now available for getting critical points from a set of curves in Workflows.
51 New worker *DATASET_GET_NORM available to compute the norm of a dataset in Workflows.
54 The Peacock 3D in Text parameterize worker will now render the nodes available in the keyword file in Peacock UI and allow user to create a set_node_list within Peacock itself and insert them in the keyword file.
55 Every worker now has an option in the Options Tab to forcefully SKIP FUTURE EXECUTIONS.
60 The Worker inputs that depend on the iterator can be assigned columns from the input iterator dataset.
61 Now we have an Alert modal for confirmation when we try to disable the output viewer for the iterations in the iteration settings of output viewer.
62 Decision workers now can be added from the Dataset outputs in Workflows.
63 New option called ‘Lock the workers’ is added to Workflows.
65 New worker *CURVES_GET_CURVE_FOR_CALIBRATION is now improved to get the curve based on the least variance in Workflows.
67 *ML_RUN_PCA worker now has the same normalize options as the *ML_LEARN_LINEAR worker in Workflows.
71 New worker *LSDYNA NODES TO DATASET is now available to convert any LS-DYNA nodes to dataset for training in Workflows.
77 Two new workers MATH_MEDIAN and MATH_MODE are added to workflows to get the median and mode of a set of numbers.
78 Error message from a failed Workflow is shown even after the worker modal is closed.
83 Start worker Text/Keyword inputs now supports peacock models in Workflows.
86 Curves can be now added to the inputs in the Iterator and can be viewed in the output viewer. The curve input can be selected from the start worker and will be assigned to the worker inside the iterator.
87 Iteration can now be executed based on a list input from a previous worker. This will make the iteration go through each of the list options one by one and will also be shown in the Inputs container in the Iterations Output Viewer.
32.2. 2023¶
1 Sorting of Tabs in Start worker is working as expected now and saved to the worker.
3 ML Regression and Classifiers now have a new option called Cross validation in Workflows.
6 Added new worker called CURVES_COMPUTE_VISCOSITY in Workflows.
7 Added new worker called CURVES_INTERPOLATE_BETWEEN in Workflows.
9 DATASET_CURVE_TO_COLUMNS worker has an option not to sync the curves such that curves with different x-start and x-end can be predicted.
12 Settings option in Workflows is moved to View Tab.
13 Remove button is added to the Inputs in the Start worker in Workflows to delete the inputs easily.
19 Context menu options in Workflows is displayed automatically after we select bunch of workers.
21 New worker DATASET_SET_CELL_VALUE is added to Workflows.
22 End worker is automatically added to decision worker’s false node in Workflows.
23 The Operator value in condition of a Decision worker is now an autocomplete list showing all the list options.
26 Workers can be searched based on their Input or Output types in Filters under workers list.
27 TEXT_CAST worker now works as expected in Workflow.
32 Iterator END has a new option to Save all previous worker output iterations which will store all the outputs of workers during iterations in Workflows.
33 New worker added called CURVES_REMOVE_OUTLIERS in Workflows to remove curve outliers.
34 Sub groups added in Start worker can be edited, sorted and saved in Workflows.
35 SIMULATION_UNARCHIVE_INPUTFILE worker is now available to unarchive the files in Workflows.
36 New option to Copy and Paste workers is available in Context menu of the Workflows.
37 In Show versions option, current version will have a blue panel header in Workflows.
38 Dataset Inputs in Start worker containing ID as a column can now be edited and saved in Workflows.
44 In Workers list, a new dropdown is added to show the workers selected using SHIFT key.
46 New Worker DATASET_CREATE_EMPTY added to create workers in Workflows.
48 Workflows now support Importing I/O from JSON file.
50 Workflow Iteration creation has new view and new options for the Output viewer in Workflows.
53 CURVE_MONOTONIC and CURVES_MONOTONIC workers now have new option x_end and y_end in Workflows.
55 The LS DYNA input file opened in Text parametrize worker can now be viewed in Peacock 3D visualization.
56 DATASET_ADD_COLUMN_TRANSFORMING_CURVES Worker now supports selection of the input from the dataset available in Workflows.
57 DOE_STUDY_LAUNCHER_FROM_SIMULATION worker has new option Add To Existing Study. If this option is set to yes, it will add new simulations to an existing study if available.
61 DATASET_GET_COLUMN_WITH_NOISE worker is added to introduce noise to a dataset column in Workflows.
62 CURVES_MERG_ALL worker now has sort/offset_before_merging/remove_identical_points options in Workflows.
63 New worker DATASET_GET_MAX_BIN_RANGE added to Workflows.
65 Added new option called Fixed length Parameter name and Parameter value under settings option in Text Parameterize worker.
67 Decision workers have a new option within the header called Default Path which can be TRUE or FALSE and will help choose the corresponding path when no validations are available.
68 UI for the validations page is updated.
74 DATASET_CURVE_TRANSFORM workers’ input Choose Operation will now contain the worker string with asterisk and the type (e.g. *CURVE_SCALE, *CURVE_REVERSE etc. ).
77 Added option Xatyabsmax and Xatymax inputs to lookup type in CURVES_LOOKUP_SCALAR worker.
80 Iteration START worker can now take a dataset input which can be used in other workers.
81 The Box plot output in Workflows displays label at the bottom of the Visualization.
82 CURVES_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS worker now supports Post-Necking Treatment input to be dataset.
85 In PPT Reporter/Mapper worker we can click on the name of Steps and switch to that step.
86 ML Charts’ Output tab Responses now shows a settings bar where the table settings can be changed.
87 Multiple Datasets in PPT Reporter worker are available in Carousel view.
89 GUI Selection is available for Text Parameterize worker when it is dependent on previous workers.
90 Decision worker now shows Worker name and inputs within the worker while adding the validation.
91 Curve columns in the Dataset output can be viewed in workflows.
92 Lucy workers are now available in Workflows under Lucy tab.
94 New option linearity added to Yield_type input in worker CURVE_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS.
95 Added new worker Dataset_Get_Schema to workflows.
96 Added new worker ML_EXPLORE_GET_SCHEMA to workflows.
97 Added CURVES_PARTITION and CURVES_PARTITION workers to split a given curve into partitions and get average/min/max values for each partition in Workflows.
99 Shear is added to Loading type input in Curve_truetoeffectivestress worker in Workflows.
100 Added option Yes_merged to Create Physicaltest input in *MATERIAL_EXCEL_PARSER to create one test with all responses in it.
101 Inputs can be flagged as recommended in Start worker which can be used as a filter in Basic View.
107 All Tabs and Groups are displayed when Flow modal is enabled in Workflows.
109 Video Analyzer Worker now supports .’AVI’ format files in Workflows.
111 The Selected worker is now Highlighted in the list of Previous workers inside the Inputs.
113 Worker Dataset outputs now loads faster as we scroll down the outputs in the Workflow.
116 Added new option ‘Yes_with_min_zero’ to under Curves Sync input to worker DATASET_CURVE_TO_COLUMNS in Workflows.
123 The Classic and ribbon view options are now moved under View -> Header View in Workflows.
125 Reporter Blob Download as PPT is now faster in PPT reporter worker.
126 CURVE_INSTABILITY worker now workers as expected and Output can be viewed in Curve Overlay worker.
129 POLYMER_UNIAXIAL_SEQUENTIAL_CALIBRATION worker added for faster polymer post-necking calibration in Workflows.
131 Comments can be attached to the workers and can be Collapsed or Expanded in Workflows.
132 Pinned Views are moved under ‘View’ header in Workflows.
143 New worker *CURVE_SUBTRACT_FROM added to subtract two curves in Workflows.
144 TEMPLATE_CREATE_UNIAXIAL_TENSION worker is now available in Workflows to create a Uniaxial template.
147 Added worker CURVES_ADD_STRAIN_RATE_CURVES to create new curves based on existing strain rate curve.
148 New worker *CURVE_SUBTRACT_FROM added to subtract two curves in Workflows.
156 DATASET_JOIN/MERGE can now merge two datasets without primary keys. When primary keys are not specified, the merge will take the common keys and merge using them.
158 In Workflows, We can also compare the inputs and outputs of the workflow with different Versions.
159 Added new worker called *CURVES_SYNC_X_START_AND_END to workflows.
160 Added new worker called *CURVES_CLIP_AT_YMAX to workflows.
8 All library workflows are updated to ensure the files needed by the workflows are packaged. All workflows now should execute without an error about missing input files.
11 When a Worker is placed onto multiple edges, the edges incoming to this new worker are multiple.
12 Now we can add iteration to any number of workers by selecting the workers in Workflow.
13 Now we can edit the Curve image in workflows and save it to the Curve Digitizer.
17 Iterator Start worker will now show only the basic options to Clone and Change Type in settings.
18 Newton Visualizer worker now has support for Datum lines Dataset input which adds datum lines to the Curve output at given position and value.
19 Newton visualizer worker now has support for Datum Areas dataset which can have labels, descriptions. The descriptions are shown at the top of the datum region which can be right clicked and Edited or removed in Workflows.
20 Newton visualizer worker now has support for Annotations dataset which can have value, color and position columns. We can see the Annotations based on the position in the Output curve.
21 Sample Datasets are available for the Dataset inputs in Workers.
25 PHYSICALTEST_HAS_RESPONSE_BY_NAME worker now supports all search locations in Workflows.
26 Workflow Provider Mapper has new UI update and Mapper options in Workflows.
28 Added DATASET_REMOVE_OUTLIERS worker to Workflows.
29 Remote lookup input in Start worker now has list of Master Templates that can be selected.
30 PHYSICALTEST_NHTSA_DATA_IMPORTER worker now has logs to support in case of errors while executing Worker.
32 Added new worker CURVES_LONGEST_COMMON_SEQUENCE to measure the overlap distance between two curves in Workflows.
33 Added ML_LEARN_SVC worker and ML_LEARN_RFC in Workflows.
35 Added ‘Probabilities’ output response to RFC worker in Workflows.
36 LCS (Longest Common Sequence) option added to the CURVES_MATCH worker in Workflows.
37 Added ML_EXPLORE_RUN_PCA worker in Workflows.
38 MATERIAL SPECIMEN GENERATOR UNIAXIAL worker now has a new type E8_shell_standard_4p7mm input in Workflows.
39 New option called Filter by Keyword is added to Text Parameterize worker in Workflows.
40 Edit keyword file and dynamically update the reference of existing parameters/nodes option is added to Text Parameterize.
42 Added support for SET_NODE_LIST keyword card in Text Parameterize worker.
45 Added support for NODE keyword card in Text Parameterize worker. We can Add/Edit/Delete the Nodes.
46 Added support for DEFINE_TRANSFORMATION keyword card in Text Parameterize worker.We can Add/Edit/Delete the DEFINE_TRANSFORMATION.
47 All Classifiers workers are now limited to select just one target selection in Workflows.
48 Improved worker error messages display when a worker execution fails.
50 ML workers can now be searched for classification workers in Workflows.
51 Material specimen uniaxial worker has been updated with all specimens related to E8_shell_w25mm_l200mm input in Workflows.
55 New reconstruct type Worker added for DATASET_RECONSTRUCT_CURVE_FROM_PREDICTIONS in Workflows.
57 DATASET_RANDOM_SAMPLER Worker is added to randomly choose records from a given dataset in Workflows.
60 Added Time History Curve Prediction workflow in the Workflow library.
61 UI updated for the Error message displayed when worker execution is failed.
62 Reporter Worker has two new inputs called Workflow Screenshot and Worker screenshot.
63 DATASET_KEEP_COLUMNS Worker now works as expected in Workflows.
64 DATASET_GET_SUMMARY Worker is now available to get summary of dataset in Workflows.
65 DATASET_GET_SCHEMA Worker now works when the column is of type curves or curve in Workflows.
66 Added new worker DATASET_GET_COLUMNS_NAMES to get column names based on a pattern in Workflows.
67 In CURVE_SWIFT_EXTRAPOLATE worker, when n = 0 will use the last x as the swift in Workflows.
68 DATASET_ADD_CURVES_TO_COLUMN is now available to use in conjunction with DATASET_GET_CURVES_COLUMN. You can get the curves from a dataset, operate using available transformation workers and then add the curves back to the dataset using this new worker in Workflows.
70 Added CURVE_REMOVE_REPEATED worker which works when two points have the same X in Workflows.
71 200_BMS_PUBLISHER workflow is added to the Workflows’library.
73 DATASET_GET_SUMMARY worker output has Info column which displays the Vertical bar charts for the outputs.
74 Text Parameterize worker has Remove Parameters option which will remove all existing parameters in Workflows.
75 Added unique option in DATASET_GET_COLUMN_VALUES worker to fetch unique values from a column in Workflows.
79 RESPONSES_AGGREGATOR worker is added to take a list of responses and convert them to a comparative dataset in Workflows.
80 Added swift_segmented and polyer_with_softness for CURVE_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS worker in Workflows.
81 ML_PREDICT_INFO worker is now available to provide information about the ML workers in Workflows.
82 ML_PREDICT_INTERACTIVE worker is added for interactive predict capability of worker in Workflows.
86 CURVE_SWIFT_EXTRAPOLATE worker is now updated with new inputs to specify start of extrapolation in Workflows.
87 Added Responses_Mapper worker to Workflows which has option to save the Database.
88 Responses mapper worker now supports X and Y scale factors and works as expected in Workflows.
90 The Mapper in DATASET_RENAME_COLUMNS worker now saves the edited changes to the workflow.
91 Show Versions option in Workflows is now modified with a modal UI.
92 Multiselect in Workflows allows grouping in the worker list inputs. Use ML worker, open the list input and select the inputs to see the Save as new group option.
93 RESPONSES_MATCHER worker now works as expected to map responses between simulations and physical tests.
95 DOE_SAMPLING_SEQUENTIAL_REDUCTION worker is now executed when the column names have spaces in them.
96 Any worker in Workflow having a Dataset output will show all the records available in the output.
99 DATASET_CURVE_TO_COLUMNS now has an option to retain or delete the original curve column whose points were converted into new columns.
101 DATASET_GET_COLUMN_NAMES Worker now works to return all column names when the ‘Target’ is empty.
103 DATASET_CURVE_TO_COLUMNS worker can now take multiple columns at once in Workflows.
104 ML workers with data greater than 300 Targets work as expected.
106 New worker added *SIMLYTIKS_UPDATE_FILE to update existing data in Simlytiks with a new report in Workflow.
108 CURVE_EXTRAPOLATE worker now correctly extrapolates the values for HYPERBOLIC input in Workflows.
109 When decision worker is executed, the outgoing edges are set as active/inactive based on the decision result which gives a clear indication of what path is being taken next in Workflow.
110 Text input in START worker now can be dependent on a Dataset input within the same START worker.
112 We can now Drag and Drop the input files on to the Dataset and Files input in the Start worker.
114 New option added to edit Curve points using table in start worker.
116 Close button is added to the Execution modal box that is displayed while executing the workflow.
121 UI is updated for the Library option available under Files in Workflows.
1 Newton Threshlolds - Newton Visualizer shows us the threshold tables for Curves. In newton we can resize the threshold table container,Thresholds in curve visualizer, Newton, can be toggled as needed.
2 Added new worker *CURVE_POWER.
3 New worker *CURVE_SQRT is now added to compute the square-root of the y-values.
4 Added new Worker *CURVE_FUNCTION that can now use expression to find the new y value. The expression can use x and y values
5 Added new worker *DATASET_GET_ROW_NEAR_ORIGIN to get row where the values of a column are near zero.
6 Added new worker *DATASET_FILTER to filter based on columns using UI.
7 Added new worker *DATASET_SQL_QUERY to use SQL-like query to find records from a daset.
8 DATASET_FILTER is now available for flexible filtering of datasets.
9 Curve Digitizer will render the Image to be digitized with default xmin ,ymin, xmax, ymax offset and added background grid for the image.Curve Digitizer by default sets xmin = 0, xmax = 1, ymin = 0, ymax =1 , xfactor = 1, yfactor = 1.
10 Added worker to add a include file to an existing simulation.
11 Added new worker *D3HSP_EXTRACTOR.
14 Added new Worker *lsdyna_parse_sensors_from_simulation to extract sensors from a simulation.
16 Added fix for Binout_extractor worker.
17 Added *DATASET_DROP_COLUMNS to drop dolumns from a dataset.
18 Added ML clustering workers to workflows.
19 Added new worker *DATASET_GET_CURVE_BY_COLUMN to extract a set of curves by column name.
20 Now in thresholds for Newton we can differentiate between positive and negative signals for Pack Power using the highlight area.
21 Extended *EXCEL_TO_DATASET worker to support scientific format where the curve values can be specified to import curves as part of the structured data..
22 MATERIAL_EXCEL_PARSER now has support for processing drop-tests.
24 :ref:` MATERIAL_EXCEL_PARSER now has support for compression (uniaxial and biaxial) from OSU. <materialexcel>`
25 Added new worker *CURVES_DIVIDE_PAIRS to divide pairs of curves.
26 CURVE_SMOOTH has a new argument “Number of Iterations” to iteratively smooth the points in a curve
27 Added new worker *CURVE_TRIM to trim curves based on y values.
28 Added simulation_finder, physicaltest_finder, attachment_finder, response_finder.
29 :ref:` Visualization workers are now in the Viz Tab and not the Workers tab. <vizworkers>`
31 Added *KEYVALUE_GET_NAMES to return the names of the items.
32 Added new worker *DATASET_TO_DOE_PARAMETERS.
35 We can now erase curve in multiple curves image for Data Digitizer while extracting color curve.
37 Added new worker CURVES POWER to workflows.
38 Added new worker CURVES SQRT to workflows.
39 Now Simulations can be created from an Archive file using a worker SIMULATIONS CREATE FROM ARCHIVE FILE.
40 HYPERGRAPH worker now supports Multi-line expressions.
42 Template is created and X Y and Z responses are extracted in template after executing HYPERGRAPH_IMPORTER_WORKER workflow with tpl file as input.
43 Added new input Smooth derivative to CURVE_REGRESSION_SMOOTH worker in Workflows.
44 Added new input Smooth derivative to CURVES_REGRESSION_SMOOTH worker in Workflows.
45 Added GENETIC_MUTATOR worker now has population size, mut_probability, num_iterations and points to return as variables as inputs.
46 Added new input field Num of rows to the DATASET_GET_ROW_NEAR_ORIGIN worker in Workflows.
47 LSDYNA_MATERIAL_CURVE_VALIDATION worker now works with curves in workflows.
48 Workflows application is moved higher than Simlytiks.
49 Widget view type is added to the inputs in the Start worker.
50 Tour guide support is added to inputs in Start worker for Widget view.
51 MATH_ROUND worker now removes spaces and returns just the number in the specified format in Workflows.
52 JOB_SUBMIT_BY_CONFIG worker now has Verify , Preview and Stop options while executing worker.
53 Now we have Form-input-table support for LSDYNA_MATERIAL_CURVE_VALIDATION worker in workflows.
54 Comments can be added to the saved Workflows and we can see the user ID for the comment added.
55 Added new worker *PHYSICALTEST_SYNC_TIMEHISTORIES in Workflows.
56 New option Validate is available under Tools option in Workflows to validate all the workers.
57 Now we have support for curve overlay of dataset curves along with other worker curves.
58 Video Analyzer now supports clipping of the video from both the ends.
59 Video Analyzer now allows dragging of the region in the worker.
60 Video information is available now in Video Analyzer worker.
61 DATASET_REPLACE_COLUMN_VALUE worker can now support multiple lines with duplicate ids in Workflows.
62 For input workers, Simple view type is made default view in Workflows.
63 CURVE_GET_X_WHEN_Y_INCREASES worker now returns the correct X-Value in Workflows
64 Added Model type input feature to *DATASET_SIMULATED_ANNEALING worker.
65 BINOUT_SUMMARY worker is now added to extract binout summary from any simulation in Workflows.
66 X_SF and Y_SF is now supported while importing MME data in PHYSICALTEST_MME_DATA worker.
67 CURVE_INTERPOLATE worker is executed completely when Use Existing Points input is set to Yes in Workflows.
68 Decision provider worker provides a text area output to a worker which has a JSON input.
69 Now Simulations can be created from an Archive file using a worker SIMULATIONS CREATE FROM ARCHIVE FILE.
70 In worker inputs, when Remote lookup Type is chosen as attachments and an attachment is chosen, check to see if any file input is dependent on this attachment .
68 Decision provider worker provides a text area output to a worker which has a JSON input.
69 Worker outputs now show inline data that van be enlarged on clicking for Dataset and Curve outputs.
71 In ISO_MME worker zip file, now we are able to extract all responses from .veh and .occ files.
72 Image annotator is added to Start worker widgets view.
73 In Video Analyzer, now we capture Frame Image and export movement tracking data into CSV.
74 Added option to upload new video to create a new instance of Video Analyzer.
75 All worker inputs have a new menu EDIT , VALIDATIONS ,OPTIONS in Workflows.
76 Worker inputs can be cloned now in Workflows.
77 In Workflows, execution of any worker within the modal will show messages in the footer.
78 Added new option for LSDYNA_PARSE_SENSORS_FROM_FILE worker so we can parse sensors from a file or from a text area.
79 In Workflows - IO View is now stepwise, groups autoplay once all inputs are filled in Start worker.
80 In Workflow, File inputs now have support to choose from sample files.
81 New input type called Worker input is added to Start worker.
82 We see paused message and dashed border for the worker when execution is paused in workflow.
83 SIMULATION_CREATE_FROM_ARCHIVE worker now supports 7z files both in Linux and Mac.
84 Physical tests created using CSV and EXCEL file.
85 In Workflows, now we provide Roles and Permissions for Author and Viewer under settings option.
87 Return type is added to the DATASET_SIMULATED_ANNEALING worker which performs SA optimization..
d3VIEW Workflows is a detailed application. We are constantly updating and adding to this documentation. Use this section to review recent updates and changes. Click on a release note to be taken to the updated section.