9. Databases

d3VIEW’s Databases application provides an effective solution for organizing and storing large amounts of data. The application efficiently cleans and structures data so it is easier to visualize, understand and study. Databases’ centralized data management system eases sharing between multiple users, while the built-in interactive visualizers powerfully support productive decision-making.

Watch the following video for an overview of the application.


  • Define simple and scientific databases
  • Filters and aggregators
  • Easy sharing and exporting
  • Comparisons and visualizations
  • Save and apply layouts

What Will Be Covered

  • Creating a Database
  • Viewing a Database
  • Visualizing a Database

9.1. Creating a Database

The first step in structuring your data for studying and comparing is creating the database. You can create different Databases based on how they are defined, which data is imported, which users have access and how the data is aggregated. Here, you tell the application exactly how to organize and structure your data. Start by clicking on ‘Create Database’ in the top right corner of the screen.

Figure 1: Create Database

Use the first tab to define your basic information like the database name, description and color. Then, click over the the next tab ‘Fields’ to get started on defining your Database.

Figure 2: Define Database

Databases creation methods

1/ create Database manually.

2/ Create Database by Importing fields from CSV/EXCEL file.

3/ Create Database by Importing fields from other workers.

Add records to database methods

Now we can add single, multiple and records from remote Simulations and Physical tests to database.

1/ Add single record to database.

2/ Add Multiple records to Database using CSV file.

3/ Add records for other source such as remote Simulations/Physicaltests.

We can now add records to Database from the Databases home page. We will see this add record option when we hover on the Database.

:sup:`Add Records


In Databases, adding records from other source inputs can be edited and dragged from the responses on the right side.

Map Images to input fields while adding multiple records in Database

We can Map uploaded Images to the Image input field while adding records to a Database.

Insert Physical tests into Databases

We can now map the responses from multiple Physical tests to input fields of the Database and add the records to the Database.

The video below shows how to Map the responses from Physical tests to databases.

We can now select multiple Physical tests and insert them to the database and map them before inserting. This insert to database option is available in right context menu options in Physical tests page.

Define and Import

The application allows Databases to be defined in both basic and scientific data.

Some input fields include:

You can import your filters, as well as the data to go along with your filters, from a CSV, TSV, JSON or Excel file.

Figure 3: Inputs Import

Choose which inputs, or filters, you would like to define your database by dragging-dropping them from the right into the menu.

Figure 4: Inputs Define

NEW as of February, 2022, you can use a color picker as an input for databases.

You can reorder your filters or add a new group of filters to help define your data. You can also hide certain filters as well as condition them under other filters.

Figure 5: Filters

Click on the new group button to add multiple groups. Drag-and-drop inputs for each group. Groups will be shown separately on the page. Sift through them by hitting the arrows at the top of the input window.

Figure 6: Add Group

Sift through them by hitting the arrows at the top of the input window.

Figure 7: Sift Through Groups


Records in Databases can be exported in different formats of TSV/CSV/TEXT/DYNA_ENCRYPT and with different header and footer options.

The Export records option in Databases now supports exporting in ‘LS-DYNA Raw’ format.

‘LS-DYNA Raw’ format


Under the users tab, you can choose your team members and permit them to read or read and write. Aggregators and filters are useful when you have multiple datasources you would like to compile together, structuring them for analysis and deriving particular information from each source.

Figure 8: Defining Users

Databases Through Workflows

You can set-up a workflow to create a database or add/delete records from a database. Here are the four Database workers you can utilize. Please make your way to the Workflows section of this Tutorial Documentation for a step-by-step on how to create a database using one of these workers.

LS-DYNA Material to Database

Converts LS-DYNA Material to Database JSON

Excel to Database

Converts Excels to Database

Database Create Record

Creates a record into a Database

Database Delete Record

Deletes a record from a Database

9.2. Managing a Database

The application structures and organizes the Database for easy viewing, editing and updating with records, filters, columns and groups.


Sift through your records easily with the application’s filtering options. On the left side panel, you can input fields for the given default filters or add your own at the top. You can save and reset filters at the bottom of the panel. When adding new filters, the application eases the process by providing values based on the data.

Figure 10: Using Filters to Sift through Records

NEW as of February 19, 2022, Flexible filters allow you to switch from three filtering types: tree-view, flat-view, and horizontal view. Watch the following video to see them in action:

Adding Records

Add records to your Database by clicking the button at the top-right corner.

Figure 11: Adding a Record

Groups and Columns

Each record is organized in columns and can also be organized into groups. Grouping your records is a great tool for visualizing your database, which we will cover in the next section. Check the individual records you would like to group together. Under the “Selected” button at the top-left, click “Save as Group” and enter a name for it. You can also visualize each record column by clicking on the graph symbol next to its specified name.

Figure 12: Saving a Group and Viewing Columns

Direct Access

You can skip sifting through all your databases directly access individual ones by using http://datarecord/view/ID/NAME. Here is an example:

Figure 13: Directly Access Databases

Associate with Project

You can associate a database with a Project id and find it under Project/Databases:

Figure 14: Associate with Project

9.3. Visualizing a Database

Because your data is now structured, you can visualize it by using Statistics and Comparisons, making it easier to understand and comprehend. The Databases application works in accordance with the Simlytiks application to make this happen seamlessly for you. Please review the “Simlytiks” section if you need help navigating that application.


You can compare individual records by visualizing them. Select which records you would like to compare and click ‘Compare’ under the ‘Selected’ drop-down menu at the top-left. You can also choose a group you created earlier to compare under the ‘Groups’ drown-drop menu.

Figure 15: Picking Records to Compare

The selected records will open up in a new window to compare in the Simlytiks application.

Figure 16: Compare in Simlytiks Window

Saving and Applying a Layout

Layouts make it easy for you to be consistent with visualizing your data in a particular Dataset. After you visualize a comparison, you can save, change or upload layout under the ‘Layout’ button at the top.

Figure 17: Viewing Layouts

Here, upload a layout or save the current comparison as a new layout. Or, sift through ones you already have saved. There will always be a default layout for comparisons.

Figure 18: Changing Layouts


The Statistics tab is another tool for visualizing your Database. This feature organizes your data and provides visualization summarizations based on its particular fields. You can sort each visualization by value or name.

For additional questions about how to navigate the d3VIEW platform, please feel free to email our team at: support@d3view.com.

9.4. Sample databases

Added NHSTA USNCAP Basic and Detailed databases in Sample datasets of Database.


New ‘Material database’ added to the Sample datasets in Databases​


9.5. Merge Databases

Two or more databases can be selected and merged now.