27. Release Notes

d3VIEW is a complex platform. We are constantly updating and adding to this documentation. Use this section to review recent updates and changes. Click on a release note to be taken to the updated section.

27.1. 2023


1 Physical tests/Simulations can now be ordered randomly using filters.

2 One pager curve responses in Simlytiks now have a default color By to be ‘name’ if the Dataset has a name column.

3 Shared Tests/Simulations are now visible in the shared with user filter.

4 A new button to Reset the old saved settings is now available in the Option dropdown in Tasks page.

5 Tree view on the Projects page is now a Dynamic Tree View version where nodes can be clicked to fetch the children.

6 Dynamic Tree view in Projects has new options such as View type, orientation, Download , Enlarge and settings.

7 Legends position can be changed in Tree view under Projects.

8 The Status colors for the Tasks in the Tasks page are automatically updated based on the current status of the Tasks. The corresponding updates in colors can also be viewed in the Road Map view for the tasks.

9 Task Application supports different views and task records can be viewed accordingly.

10 Creation of Tasks in the application.

11 Tasks now support comments and the comments can be saved.

12 Filters are available in Tasks page for the records.

13 Projects can be assigned to Tasks and are saved to Tasks.

14 Tasks have different options such as Set priority, Assign to and Assign workflow in right context menu.

15 We can Download the Tasks as CSV or EXCEL file using right context menu options.

16 Groups can be created for the records in the Tasks page.

17 We can now tag Users, Simulations, Workflows , Physical tests in records under Tasks.

18 Export and Import options are added to records in Tasks page.

19 New filters can be added and saved to records in Tasks page.

20 Assigned workflow can now be Run from within Tasks and collected outputs can be viewed in the task.

21 Added new columns such as Elapsed Time, Time left until due, Estimated time in Tasks.

22 Added Collaborators option inside Tasks to collaborate with other users.

23 Parent-child relationship feature is added to Tasks. If a task is a parent and has children, it shows all of the children in Table/Gantt view when expanded.

24 Simulations and files can be viewed inside Study.

25 Compare responses now has an option to set the extraction type to all simulations using a single button at the top.

26 New option available under each simulation in the menu list to Join split files.

27 Existing users are prevented to add to the same Project again with a Different role.

28 Tour Guide is now available for all the Applications on d3VIEW. This helps in understanding different steps involved in the processing the application.

29 In Tour Guide for Applications, we can manually toggle between the different steps and user can Stop or Continue the Navigation through the steps. If any step is missed or not available we can manually continue the tour guide by clicking on the continue button.

30 Each Tour Guide will have View Summary button which will show a summary of the steps with the tour description in a table format.

31 Records in Databases can be exported in different formats of TSV/CSV/TEXT/DYNA_ENCRYPT and with different header and footer options.

32 The Export records option in Databases now supports exporting in ‘LS-DYNA Raw’ format.

27 Existing users are prevented to add to the same Project again with a Different role.

27 Existing users are prevented to add to the same Project again with a Different role.