15. Studies

d3VIEW’s Studies Application makes it easy to keep all your comparisons in one place. Studies works with the Simlytiks Application so you can visualize and compare your records from Simulations or Physical Tests and save them for later use.

What Will Be Covered:

  • Viewing Studies
  • Comparing Studies
  • Editing Studies
  • New Study from Comparing Records
  • New Study from Simulations or Physical Tests
  • New Study from Studies Main Page

15.1. Studies Main Page

Click on the Studies section under the application menu to go to the Studies main page. Here, you can view thumbnails with basic information of all your studies. Whenever you compare records, it is saved as a study here.

Figure 1: Studies Main Page

Viewing Studies

Click on “View” next to a study thumbnail to open it up in another tab. Here, you can review the records being compared in the study and take actions on them. You can compare, share, edit or delete your study from this window.

Figure 2: Viewing a Study

Comparing Records in Studies

To open up your study for comparison, click on the compare button next to its thumbnail. You can also click on compare in an opened study tab as stated in the above section. In the next window, you will see the records in the chosen study. Hit the big blue bar at the bottom that says “Click to Search and add More Records to Compare’ if you want to compare more than the currently selected records. Click “OK” if you want to just compare what you have.

Figure 3: Open Study for Comparison

If you choose to add more, you can do so in the next window by sifting through all your records in the left column and selecting more. All the selected records will appear in the right column. After choosing, click on “Process” at the bottom.

Figure 4: Add More Records

The comparison will open up in the Simlytiks application for you to explore.

Figure 5: Open in Simlytiks

Editing Studies

To edit a study, click on the edit button next to its thumbnail. You can also edit a study in its opened tab as explained earlier. In the edit study window, you can rename your study, add more records by selecting them from the left column, change its template and other specifications as well.

Figure 6: Editing a Study

15.2. Creating a New Study

There are a few ways to create a study: by comparing records, creating from selected simulations or physical tests, or creating from “New Test” on the Studies main page.

Comparing Records

Every time you compare records a study is created. When you go this route, instead of filling out study specifications, you pick your records and open them up for comparison in Simlytiks. Go to your Simulations page and select your desired records. Then, right click and choose “Compare.” You can also select records from your Physical Tests page as well.

Figure 7: Comparing Records to Create a Study

After the compare records window pops up, press “OK” to open up these records in Simlytiks. You can also click on the big blue bar at the bottom to add more records to compare.

Figure 8: Comparing Records Window

New Study for Simulations of Physical Tests

If you would like to create a study before comparing the records you selected in your Simulations or Physical Tests page, you can do so by choosing the “Add to Study” option. Again, pick this option in the menu after selecting your records and right clicking.

Figure 9: Create or Add to a Study from Selected Records

A window will pop up where you can create a new study or add these records to an existing one. If you are creating a new study, make sure to name it and add a description. You can also choose other specifications such as the type of study or template.

Figure 10: Create or Add to a Study from Selected Records

Simulations and files can be viewed inside Study.

New Study from Studies Main Page

The last way to create a study is from the Studies home page. Click on “New Study” on the upper right corner of the page. Similar to the window we saw in the above section, here, you can fill out the study specifications.

Figure 11: Create a Study from Main Page

To add records, save your study and go back to your Studies home page. As mentioned before, click on “edit” next to the study name to add records in the edit window.

Figure 12: Editing a Study to Add More Records

Study can now be associated to the job submitted by *JOB_SUBMIT_BY_CONFIG worker in Workflows. The job/simulation submitted will be available in the associated Study.

Associated Study

Study can be associated with the worker *SIMULATION_CREATE_FROM_TEXT. The simulation created will now be available in the selected Study.

Studies can now be organized into projects​

Projects Organized

For additional questions about how to navigate the d3VIEW platform, please feel free to email our team at: support@d3view.com.