10. Simlytiks Visualizers

Simlytiks deciphers data and transforms it into rich interactive visualizations.


List of Simlytiks Visualizers . Each link can be used to access visualizers
Name of the Visualizer Type Description
Table Table This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
Pivot Table Pivot Pivot table is a type of data visualization designed to help extract useful insights from raw datasets
Vertical Bar chart Barchart A vertical bar graph is a data representation technique that depicts the data using vertical rectangular bars
Scatter plot Bubble Chart A Scatter plot uses dots to represent values for two different numeric variables
Parallel Chart Parallel Coordinates This visualizer helps to multi-dimensions in a 2D space. If the order of the columns are chosen wisely, this visualizer can provide deep insights into the data
Line Chart Linechart A line chart, also referred to as a line graph or a line plot, connects a series of data points using a line.
Donut Chart DonutChart Donut charts are used to show the proportions of categorical data, with the size of each piece representing the proportion of each category.
Curve Plot CurveChart This visualizer plots time-history data and is helpful when both X and Y data are numbers. The color, line and opacity of the curves can be based on other columns which allows visualizing upto 5 dimensions.
Box Plot Box plot This visualizer helps to show the distribution of the data with quartiles and to aid in identifying the outliers
Violin Plot Violin Plot This visualizer helps to show the distribution of the data with quartiles and to aid in identifying the outliers
Distributed Box plot Multiboxplot This visualizer helps to show the distribution of the data with quartiles and to aid in identifying the outliers
Frequency Box Plot Frequency Plot This visualizer helps to show the distribution of the data with quartiles and to aid in identifying the outliers
Summary Table Summary Table Customize your own table with number of rows and columns
Decesion Table Decision Table This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
Filterable Table Filterrable Table This is the table view that cam use filters within the same view
Ranking Table Ranking Table This is the table view that helps to rank a dataset based on weights assigned to numerical columns.
Distribution Plot Distribution Plot This visualizer helps to show the distribution of the data with quartiles and to aid in identifying the outliers
Gallery Image Gallery This visualizer helps to view images and movies (GIF, MOV, MP4) with ability to play, pause and overlay them at different states. Sorting, opacity and size can be controlled by other columns.
IIHS intrusions IIHS This visualizer helps to visualize numbers based on certain criteria for each of the columns. The criteria can be a one or more.
Hexagonal Chart Hexagonal This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
Density Contour Plot Density Contour This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
KDE Plot KDE This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
2D Contour Terrain 2D Contour A contour map is a graphical representation of the terrain or surface of an area.
Gantt Plot Gantt This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
Timeline Chart Timeline This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
Radar plot Radar Multi Dimensional Radar Plot
Calender Calender This visualizer plots the calendar within a range and the color of the days are by another column
Calender HeatMap Calender Heatmap This visualizer plots the calendar heatmap within a range and the color of the days are by another column
3D Model Peacock 3D Model Viewer
3D Annotator 3D Annotator 3D Model Annotator
Geo Map Map Overview. A geomap is a map of a country, continent, or region map, with colors and values assigned to specific regions.
Key Value Kay Value This visualizer helps to visualize binned data. This is useful to visualize pattens in large datasets.
Tree Tree Treemaps are visualizations for hierarchical data.
TreeMap TreeMap Treemaps are visualizations for hierarchical data.
Decision Tree Decision Tree A decision tree shows a connected hierarchy of boxes to represent the values of records.
Force Directed Graph Graph A Force-Directed Graph, or Force-Based Graph, is a type of layout commonly used in a variety of application areas
Organization Organization It describes the relations and hierarchy inside the organization
Card Card Card visualization is a participatory method for capturing data that uses paper cards to allow groups to brainstorm and share their ideas
Survival Space Survival Space  
Whiplash Whiplash Whiplash is neck injury caused by sudden, vigorous head movement in one direction, then back again quickly
HeatMap HeatMap heatmap data visualization is a method of graphically representing numerical data where the value of each data point is indicated using colors.
Pedpro Pedpro This visualization shows a distribution of values for states T1 and T2 in the lower right along with the distribution of HIC values, peak accelerations and left section animation
Pedpro Table Prepro table Ped Pro Table maps out the impact points into bins to help visualize the points on the hood. We’ll add our X data, Y data and HIC values to create this visualization.
Circle Circle Chart represents data in a pictorial form, making it easier to visualize and understand the proportionate parts or composition of a data set.
3D Scatter 3D Sactter 3D scatter plots are used to plot data points on three axes in the attempt to show the relationship between three variables
3D Curve 3D Curve A 3D visualization adds an added layer of dimensionality to a 2D visual. For example, 3D plots can often be used to show a relationship across three variables
Image Analyzer Image Analyzer Image analyzers characterize particles in terms of their size, shape and transparency. They are usually categorized as either dynamic or static imaging systems.
Pie Chart Pie Chart A pie chart is a type of graph representing data in a circular form, with each slice of the circle representing a fraction or proportionate part of the whole
Scatter Matrix Sactter Matrix A scatter plot matrix is a grid (or matrix) of scatter plots used to visualize bivariate relationships between combinations of variables.
Vector Scatter Matrix Vector scatter Matrix A scatter matrix is a pair-wise scatter plot of several variables presented in a matrix format.
Multiline Chart Multiline In a multiple line graph, there are two or more lines in the graph connecting two or more sets of data points.
Filtered Line Chart Filtered line Chart Now you can create a filtered line chart with checkboxes, to show only selected lines on startup to avoid overwhelming users, while allowing them to toggle on other lines
Text Difference Checker Diff Checker Diff Checker is a data comparison tool that computes and shows the differences between the contents of files.
Horizontal Bar Chart Horizontal Bar Chart A horizontal bar chart is a graph in the form of rectangular bars
Newton Manager Newton manager This visualizer plots time-history data and is helpful when both X and Y data are numbers. The color, line and opacity of the curves can be based on other columns which allows visualizing upto 5 dimensions.
Histogram Visualization Histogram A histogram is a graphical representation of a grouped frequency distribution with continuous classes
Grouped Histogram Histogram A histogram is a graphical representation of a grouped frequency distribution with continuous classes.
Grouped Bar Chart Bar chart A grouped bar chart (aka clustered bar chart, multi-series bar chart) extends the bar chart, plotting numeric values for levels of two categorical variables instead of one
Grouped Box Plot Box plot Grouped box plots can be used to compare the distribution of values in a field containing numerical data, across different groups in a cohort
Sparkline Matrix Sparkline matrix Sparklines are a new feature in Power BI that gives users the ability to add useful insights and context to their table and matrix visualizations
Sparkline Matrix Visualization Sparkline Sparklines are small graphs that are created to offer simple visual clues about the data graphed
Occupant Rating Occupant Rating  
Stacked Area Chart Stacked Area Chart In a stacked area chart, all of the lines are stacked on top of each other over a straight baseline at the bottom of the stack
Circle Pack Circle Pack Circular packing or circular treemap allows to visualize a hierarchic organization
Chord Diagram Chord Diagram Chord diagram shows dependencies amongst chosen columns
Sankey Plot Sankey Plot Sankey diagrams are a type of flow diagram in which the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow rate.
Arc Diagram Arc Diagram Arc diagram shows connections amongst chosen columns
Gauge Image Gauge Shows where a single value lies across a range from minimum to maximum expected values
Data Viewer Data viewer This visualizer helps to view any type of file
Image Annotator Image Annotator This visualizer helps to upload images and annotate them
Image positioner Image Positioner This visualizer helps to overlay images and animate them
Data Clasiifier Ml Classifier This plugin helps with search predication based on categories and classification of the dataset. This plugin uses Machine Learning to produce the results
Text Viewer Text Viewer This plugin helps view large texts
Confusion Matrix Matrix The confusion matrix, a ubiquitous visualization for helping people evaluate machine learning models, is a tabular layout that compares predicted class labels against actual class labels over all data instances
Data aggregator Data aggregator Data aggregation and visualization allows the Etiometry platform to bring together lab results, vital signs, demographics, medications, fluid balance, peripheral devices and waveforms on one screen.
Data Filter Data Filter Data values are filtered out in the data table, and only the remaining, filtered values are included in what is being visualized
Data Highlighter Data Highlighter Highlighter is a powerful tool used in data visualization to emphasize specific data points in a dataset
Dashboard Layout Dashboard Data visualization is a way of presenting data in a visual form to make it easier to understand and analyze
Data Profiler Data Profiler Data profiling is a set of processes and tools used to understand the contents of a datase
Schema Summary Schema This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
Column Summary Column Summary This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
Filter Summary Filer Summary This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
QQ Plot QQ Plot This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
QQ plot matrix QQ Plot Matrix This is the table view that helps to get a 2D view of the data. You can choose columns that are text or number
Group Statistics Group Stats Data visualization is the process of using visual elements like charts, graphs, or maps to represent data.
Venn Diagram Venn Diagram A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses overlapping circles to show the logical relation between two or more sets of items.