
6. Examples Examples

6.1. Workflow Collection

List of Sample Workflows in library. Each link can be used to access Workflows.
Name ID Description
Engstressstrain_to_MAT 004 Converts stress-strain curve to Material card MAT 024
MATERIAL_VARIANCE 005 Converts variance curves for MAT_024 using min/mean/max
Steel_Casting_Polymer_StressStrain_to_MAT24 006 Converts Eng-stress-strain curve with custom post necking treatment
HIC_ML_AUTO_WORKFLOW 007 Uses ML_LEARN_AUTO to learn and predict from dataset.
GISSMO_regularization_Workflow 008 Helps calibrate the mesh-regularization scale factors for MAT_ADD_EROSION card
SPOTWELD_FAILURE_PREDITIONS 009 Using ORNL Spotweld Data, spotwelds failure can be predicted
LS-DYNA_Material_validator 010 Parses LS DYNA material data and validates the material curves and properties
Feature_Importance_Workflow 011 You can input the dataset and run feature importnace
DOE_DataAnalyzer 012 Generic Doe Analyzer Workflow
PolymerStrainRate_Workflow 013 Generic Polymer Calibration Workflow with Strain-rate effects.
Generic_Optimizer 100 With a Single input file, you can preform design sensitivity or optimize a structure
Time_history_learn/predict_G3_Workflow 101 Learns a Time history based on inputs and predicts it.
Post-necking_workflow 103 Post necking calibration for Metals.
GISSMO 104 GISSMO Material Calibration
NHTSA_Workflows 105,106 NHTSA based AI to predict Occupant rating based on vehicle information/cluster based on vehicle crassworthiness.
200_BMS_PUBLISHER 200 Publishes BMS data into d3view
Madymo_sample_Workflow 301 Madymo basic DOE Workflow

Sample Workflows are available in the Workflow collection Library. Below are the Workflows along with the links for the Sample Workflows available in the collection.

View workflow collection is now shifted to Files/library from tools.

Figure 14: View Workflows collection

All library workflows are updated to ensure the files needed by the workflows are packaged. All workflows now should execute without an error about missing input files.

UI is updated for the Library option available under Files in Workflows


6.2. Workflow Collection Videos

Few Library sample Workflows are associated with videos to show the execution of the Workflow with inputs.

Workflow Video