*CURVES Workers

curves Workers
Name Description Number of Inputs Number of Outputs
*CURVES_ADD_ZERO_ORIGIN Add a value 0,0 if it does not exists 1 1
*CURVES_ADDBYINDEX Add Curve After a Index 3 1
*CURVES_ADD_DATUM_LINES_FROM_DATASET_COLUMN Converts a XYZ Coordinate time-history to JS3D 6 1
*CURVES_AVERAGE Average two or more curves 2 1
*CURVES_ADD_STRAIN_RATE_CURVES Add curves based on new strain rate values by interpolating or extrapolating 3 1
*CURVES_ABS Compute the abs value of the curves 1 1
*CURVES_ADD_PAIRS Add pairs of curves 2 1
*CURVES_AVERAGE_ALL Average of all curves 2 1
*CURVES_APPLY_OFFSET_BY_SLIP Apply offset due to slip 2 1
*CURVES_AXIAL_CRUSH Compute the axial crush of a set of nodes 7 1
*CURVES_AREA_WEIGHTED_DIFFERENCE Compute the area weighted difference using max-min normalize 3 1
*CURVES_ADD_DIFFERENCE Compute the y-difference compared to the previous point 1 1
*CURVES_ADD Compute the addition of two curves by adding the y-values 2 1
*CURVES_BIN_RANGES Bin values of curve 2 1
*CURVES_BOUND_SMOOTH Compute the average of the bounded curve 1 1
*CURVES_BOUNDARY Create a new curve that bounds the curves. 3 1
*CURVES_BIN_VALUES Bin values of curve 5 1
*CURVES_CLIPATMAXY Clip the curves based on either x or y ranges 1 1
*CURVES_CROSSPLOT_PAIRS Crossplot pairs of curves 2 1
*CURVES_CROSSPLOT Create a new curve using Y from Curve 1 and the Y from Curve 2 8 1
*CURVES_CATMUL_ROM_SPLINE Generate a catmul-rom-spline for all curves 4 1
*CURVES_COLLECTOR Collects curves 11 1
*CURVES_CLIP_PERCENTAGE Clip the Curves based on percentage of XLENGTH 3 1
*CURVES_CONTACT_DURATION Returns all contact forces 3 1
*CURVES_CLIP_AT_YMAX Clip the curves at X where Y is maximum 1 1
*CURVES_COORDINATE_AVERAGE Converts a XYZ Coordinates in groups to avearge values 1 1
*CURVES_CLIP_WHEN_YMAX_DROPS_BY_PERCENTAGE Clip curve when Maximum Y drops by a percentage 3 1
*CURVES_COMPUTE_VISCOSITY Compute viscosity 2 1
*CURVES_COORDINATE_TIME_HISTORY_TO_JS3D Converts a XYZ Coordinate time-history to JS3D 1 1
*CURVES_CLIP Clip the curves based on either x or y ranges 5 1
*CURVES_CROSSPLOT_BYGROUP Compute a set of curves using the X from first curve and Y from the second curve 1 1
*CURVES_CLIP_BETWEEN_YMAX_AND_WHEN_YMAX_DROPS_BY_PERCENTAGE Clip curves at a point between ymax and when it drops by a percentage 3 1
*CURVES_CRITICAL Downsize by taking only critical points 1 1
*CURVES_COMPUTE_ELASTIC_RECOVERY Sort the curves based on the type and order 4 1
*CURVES_COORDTRANSFORM_GROUP Transform set of curves from global to local coordinate system based on the reference X,Y,Z curves. Useful to compute displacements with respect to a local system 7 1
*CURVES_COORDTRANSFORM_GROUPS Transform set of curves from global to local coordinate system based on the reference X,Y,Z curves. Useful to compute displacements with respect to a local system 7 1
*CURVES_CROSS_CORRELATION Compute the cross correlation of two curves 5 1
*CURVES_COORDTRANSFORM Transform individual curves from global to local system 15 1
*CURVES_CROSSPLOT_VALUES Compute a curve based on the values from a group of curves 4 1
*CURVES_DERIVATIVE_EXCEEDS_THRESHOLD Detect sign changes based on 3rd derivative sign change 3 1
*CURVES_DIFFERENCE Compute the y-difference compared to the previous point 1 1
*CURVES_DERIVE Compute the derivative of curves 1 1
*CURVES_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_POINTS_TIMEHISTORY Curves Distance Between Points Timehistory 2 1
*CURVES_DIVIDE_PAIRS Divide pairs of curves 2 1
*CURVES_DOWNSIZE Curve downsize 5 1
*CURVES_DIGITIZE Create a new set of curves by using a interval of xmax-max/np as specified below 6 1
*CURVES_DIVIDE Divide two curves 2 1
*CURVES_ENGSTRESS_VARIANCE Create a curve using the standard variance of yield, ultimate and failure stress 12 1
*CURVES_ENSURE_FIRST_YIELD_GT_ZERO Ensure first yield gt zero 1 1
*CURVES_EXPLODE Convert the curves into independent curve 5 1
*CURVES_ENFORCE_ZEROORPOSITIVELASTSLOPE Ensure that the last slope is greater than zero 1 1
*CURVES_EIGEN_VALUES Compute Eigen-values of a symmetric 3x3 matrix. Only 6 components are needed. 1 1
*CURVES_EXPORT_CSV Export Curves as CSV 1 1
*CURVES_ENFORCE_DECAY Enforce Decay - Monotonically decreasing values for Y 1 1
*CURVES_ENGTOTRUESTRESS Engineering stress vs strain curves to True stress vs strain curve using Constant Volume assumption 4 1
*CURVES_EXTRAPOLATE_CONSTANT Extrapolate the curves with a constant value 3 1
*CURVES_ENGSTRESS_STATS Computes key values such as Yield, Necking etc. 5 1
*CURVES_ENGSTRESS_SCALE_BY_SCALES Compute variance based on scales 5 1
*CURVES_ENGSTRESS_SCALE_UP Remove Thermal Effects by scaling up the dynamic curves 1 1
*CURVES_EQUIVALENT_STRAIN Compute the equivalent strain plot 2 1
*CURVES_ENERGY_DISTRIBUTION Compute the energy distribution 5 1
*CURVES_EXTRAPOLATE Add points by extrapolating using the last available slope to specified x-value 8 1
*CURVES_FORMAT_POINTS Format X and Y values of the Curves 3 1
*CURVES_FAILUREPOINT_YRANGE Compute the time at which the y reaches a given value for a sustained period 5 1
*CURVES_FIND_AND_REPLACE_NAMES Find and replace names 3 1
*CURVES_FAILUREPOINT_MIN_DERIVATIVE Compute the point at which the Y-value drops to zero or starts to decline at the end of the curve. Useful for material failure etc 4 1
*CURVES_FILTER Filter the curves based on filter type, freq using acceleration and time scale factors 5 1
*CURVES_FIT_POLYNOMIAL Fit the curves with polynomials 7 1
*CURVES_FAILUREPOINT_YMAX Compute the time at which the y reaches a given value for a sustained period 4 1
*CURVES_FIRSTCURVE Get the first curve from the collection of curves 1 1
*CURVES_FAILURE_YMAX_DROPS_BY_PERCENTAGE Compute Failure point based on Percentage 4 1
*CURVES_GETBYNAME Get curve by name from a collection of curves 3 1
*CURVES_GET_DATA_AS_KEYVALUE Get key metrics of the curves as key value 1 1
*CURVES_GET_STRAIN_RATES_AS_KEYVALUE Get strain-rates associated with curve from the curve group 1 1
*CURVES_GET_SLOPES Compute the slopes of the curves 2 1
*CURVES_GET_INCREMENTAL_MATCHES Compute incremental matches betweent current and previous curve 4 1
*CURVES_GETBYINDEXES Get curves by indexes. Useful for extracting a curve for a collection of curves using the order. 2 1
*CURVES_GET_X_WHEN_Y_INCREASES Get values of X when Y increases 3 1
*CURVES_GET_TRIAXIALITY_AT_FAILURE Computes the triax at the time of failure 5 1
*CURVES_GET_DEFINETABLE Curves Get Definetable 2 1
*CURVES_GETBYVALUE Get a curve by sorting the collection of curves by value type and return the curves by from a collection of curves by value 3 1
*CURVES_GETINDEXES_BY_NAMES Get curves indexes from names 2 1
*CURVES_GET_AXIS_FROM_GROUP Get curves of a single axis from a grouped XYZ Curves. The number of curves is assumed to be divisible by 3 2 1
*CURVES_GENERATE_TRIAX_CURVES Compute the addition of two curves by adding the y-values 9 1
*CURVES_GENERATE_PART_CONTOURS_ANIMATION Contour parts based on curve data 17 1
*CURVES_GET_THRESHOLD_INTERSECTIONS Compute intersections of a curve with the threshold values 3 1
*CURVES_GETBYINDEX Get curve by index. Useful for extracting a curve for a collection of curves using the order. 2 1
*CURVES_GET_CROSS_CORRELATION_MATRIX Compute the cross correlation of between reference curve and a set of curves 4 1
*CURVES_GET_SYNC_OFFSET Compute the sync time 2 1
*CURVES_GET_CURVE_FOR_CALIBRATION Curves selector for calibration 1 1
*CURVES_GET_OFFSET_BY_SLIP Get offset due to slip 8 1
*CURVES_GET_LAST_SLOPES Compute the last slopes of the curves and return a key-value table 1 1
*CURVES_GET_X_AT_DEVIATION Return the x-value from which the curve 2 deviates from curve1 5 1
*CURVES_GET_MIN_MAX Compute min-max curves from a give set of curves 2 1
*CURVES_GET_DATASET_FOR_CALIBRATION Curves selector for calibration 1 1
*CURVES_GET_ENCLOSED_AREA_DIFF Get enclosed area difference between two curves 2 1
*CURVES_GET_CRASHWORTHINESS Compute the axial crush of a set of nodes 6 1
*CURVES_GROUP_COORDINATE_AXES Group curves so they are in the order of N1-XYZ, N2-XYZ, … 1 1
*CURVES_GET_YVALUE_AT Returns the Y-values at a certain X value. Uses interpolation when needed. 3 1
*CURVES_GET_SHIFT_OFFSET Get shift offset between two curves 3 1
*CURVES_GET_CYCLIC_DATA Curves get cyclic data 6 1
*CURVES_INTERSECT Compute the intersection of two curves 3 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_ALL_TARGETS_IN_REF_SYSTEM_COORDS_JS3D Creates a JS3D visualization for viewing the intrusions in local system 17 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION Compute the IIHS intrusion based on the seat and the measuring point 9 1
*CURVES_INTERPOLATE Interpolation values 6 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_DISP Compute the IIHS displacement intrusions of the point based on the average seat motion 8 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_ALL_TARGETS Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers based on displacements 14 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_DISP_XYZGROUP Compute the IIHS intrusion based on the curves from the average seat and the measuring point 4 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_TABLE Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers and output a table of values 11 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_ALL_TARGETS_IN_REF_SYSTEM_COORDS Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers based on displacements in reference system 20 1
*CURVES_INTERPOLATE_BETWEEN Interpolation curves between two curves 3 1
*CURVES_INTEGRATE Integrate curves 2 1
*CURVES_INTRUSION_LOCAL Compute the intrusion of two global points in local system 9 1
*CURVES_IIHSINTRUSION_ALL_TARGETS_IN_REF_SYSTEM_COORDS_PASSENGER Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers based on displacements in reference system for passenger 20 1
*CURVES_JOIN_RATES Merge Curves to get compression and tension combined rates 2 1
*CURVES_LONGEST_COMMON_SEQUENCE Curves Longest Common Sequence 2 1
*CURVES_LOWER_BOUND Compute the lower bound for a set of curves 1 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_YVALUEAT Lookup y-value from a given x-value 2 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_XVALUEAT Compute the value of X for a given Y value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_CLASSIFY This function extracts the min, max, final, time at min, time at max and classifies them based on the conditions 4 1
*CURVES_LASTCURVE Get the last curve from a collection of curves 1 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_SCALAR This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_DATASET This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_GET_TEXT This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 2 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_XVALUEAT_FROM_DATASET Lookup x-value from a given y-value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_XATYABSMAX Compute the value of X for a given Y value 1 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_KEYVALUE This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 3 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_YABSMAX_KEYVALUE This function looks into a collection of curves and returns curveName=>lookup value 2 1
*CURVES_LOOKUP_YVALUEAT_FROM_DATASET Lookup y-value from a given x-value 3 1
*CURVES_MATCH_ALL Compute the difference between curves and a baseline 14 1
*CURVES_MULTIPLY_PAIRS Multiply pairs of curves 2 1
*CURVES_MSE Compute the mean square error between two curves 4 1
*CURVES_MATCH_SCATTER Return percentage of points outside of min-max bound 3 1
*CURVES_MONOTONIC Enforces monotocity for x or y points for all Curves 2 1
*CURVES_MULTIPLY Multiply two curves 4 1
*CURVES_MERGE Create a new curve by adding the x-values of the second curve to the base-curve. 5 1
*CURVES_MATCH Compute the difference between two curves 14 1
*CURVES_MAP Get a custom value based on curve values 2 1
*CURVES_MERGE_ALL Create a new curve by adding the x-values of the second curve to the base-curve. 4 1
*CURVES_MERGE_GISSMO_DAMAGE_CURVES Merge individually optimized damage curves 6 1
*CURVES_MATCH_INPUT_SELECTOR Compute the difference between a collection of curves to a reference and return the input that has the lowest error 12 1
*CURVES_MAX_MIN_NORMALIZE Compute max-min normalize 2 1
*CURVES_MATCH_PAIRS Compute the difference between two curves 8 1
*CURVES_NORMALIZED_DIFFERENCE Compute the difference diff normalized to the first curve and return in percentage 2 1
*CURVES_NORMALIZE_TO_FIRST Normalize the curves by dividing the y-values by the y-max from the first curve 2 1
*CURVES_NORMALIZED_CROSS_CORRELATION Compute the normalized cross correlation of two curves 4 1
*CURVES_NORMALIZE Normalize the curves by dividing the y-values by the y-max from all curves 2 1
*CURVES_NEGATIVE_TO_ZERO Set all negative values to zero 1 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_SCALE Offset and scale Curves 5 1
*CURVES_OFFSET Offset the x-values and y-values by the factors provided below 3 1
*CURVES_ODBINTRUSION_ALL_TARGETS_IN_REF_SYSTEM_COORDS Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers based on displacements in reference system 19 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_TO_CHANGE Offset curves along X when the initial value changes based on the ratio provided 4 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_TO_FIRST Compute offsets from the first curve 2 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_TO_FIRST_POINT Remove offsets based on the first point 1 1
*CURVES_ODBINTRUSION_ONE_TARGET_IN_REF_SYSTEM_COORDS Computes IIHS Intrusion numbers based on displacements in reference system 12 1
*CURVES_OVERLAY Overlay two or more curves 2 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_BY_SLIP Translate curves to remove list 5 1
*CURVES_OFFSET_TO_STRAIN_RATES Offset Base Curve to Strain Rates 2 1
*CURVES_PROJECT_LINE_TO_PLANE Project the line in 3D formed between two-points onto a plane passing through P1 5 1
*CURVES_PARTITION Partition a curve and return a single value for each parition 3 1
*CURVES_POWER Compute the y-power of the curve 2 1
*CURVES_PRE_POST_CRASH Compute the pre-post crash using coordinates 13 1
*CURVES_POSITIVE_TO_ZERO Set all positive values to zero 1 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_OUTLIERS_BASED_ON_DIFF Compute the difference and removes the points based on diff-outliers 3 1
*CURVES_R2 Compute the mean square error between two curves 3 1
*CURVES_REGRESSION_COEFFICIENT Compute the regression_coefficient between curves 2 1
*CURVES_REVERSEPOINTS Reverse points x, y or both 2 1
*CURVES_RESULTANT Compute the resultant from two or more curves 2 1
*CURVES_RELATIVE_DISPLACEMENT_FROM_COORDINATES Compute the resultant from two or more curves 3 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_INTERSECTIONS Find and remove the intersections between curves 3 1
*CURVES_RENAME_CURVES Provide alternative names for the curves 2 1
*CURVES_RENAME_BY_INDEX Rename curve by index 3 1
*CURVES_ROTATE_INCREMENTS Rotate the points about a center by a certain angle 6 1
*CURVES_RENAME_GROUP Rename curves 2 1
*CURVES_ROTATEBYCOSINEMATRIX Transform the curves using a Transfomration Matrix 4 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_OVERLAPPING Remove overlapping curves based on how close they are 3 1
*CURVES_RECONSTRUCT_FROM_PREDICTION Using predicted values from ML, re-construct a curve by interpolating from curves used in training 2 1
*CURVES_REORDER_BY_INDEXES Reorder curves by indexes 2 1
*CURVES_RESULTANT_PAIRS Compute the resultant based on two sets of curves 2 1
*CURVES_RETAIN_FIRST_LAST_POINTS Retain only the first and last points of a curve 1 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_OUTLIER_POINTS Remove outlier points from curves 2 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_OUTLIERS Remove outlier curves 1 1
*CURVES_REMOVE_NEGATIVE_SLOPE Remove last negative slope 2 1
*CURVES_ROTATE_ALL Rotate the points about a center by a certain angle 7 1
*CURVES_RDP_DOWNSAMPLING Curves rdp downsampling 2 1
*CURVES_REGRESSION_SMOOTH Regression based smoothing of Curves 10 1
*CURVES_REMOVEBYINDEX Remove curve by Index 2 1
*CURVES_SMOOTH Smooth the curves 7 1
*CURVES_SQUARED_RESULTANT Compute the squared resultant 2 1
*CURVES_SYNC_X_START_AND_END Sync points such that all curves have the first and last points to be identical 2 1
*CURVES_SYNC_X_STRAIN_RATES Curves sync_x_strain_rates 1 1
*CURVES_SYNC_X Sync points such that all curves have the same x-values 2 1
*CURVES_SELECTOR_BY_LOOKUP Select curves by curve lookup 3 1
*CURVES_SMOOTH_ITERATIVE Smooth the curves 4 1
*CURVES_SCALE_TO_STRAIN_RATES Scale Base Curve to Strain Rates 2 1
*CURVES_SYNC_LAST_SLOPE Sync last slopes of all curves so they are equal 2 1
*CURVES_SCALE_TO_STRAIN_RATES_NORMALIZED Scale Base Curve to Strain Rates that is normalized to QS curve 2 1
*CURVES_SQRT Compute the y-sqrt of the curves 1 1
*CURVES_SYNC Sync curves such that all curves will have the same Xmin and Xmax using Extrapolation 1 1
*CURVES_SPLINIFY Fit the curve based on splines 3 1
*CURVES_STATS Curves stats 1 1
*CURVES_SCALE_UP_DOWN Ensure second curve is higher than the first curve by scaling up or down 5 1
*CURVES_SIGN_CHANGE_STATS Detect sign changes and return the stats around that point 5 1
*CURVES_SEARCH_BY_NAME Curves Search By Name 3 1
*CURVES_SEARCH_BY_VALUE Find the angle between three time-history points 4 1
*CURVES_STRAIN_TO_EFFECTIVE Compute Effective Strains from Strain-tensor 2 1
*CURVES_SCALE_BY_CURVE Scale the x-values and y-values by the by a curve 2 1
*CURVES_SCALE Scale the x-values and y-values by the factors provided below 5 1
*CURVES_SIMPLE_CROSS_CORRELATION Compute the cross correlation of two curves using c1xc2 4 1
*CURVES_SKIP_EVERY Create a new set of curves by using a interval of xmax-max/np as specified below 2 1
*CURVES_SUBTRACT_PAIRS Subtract pairs of curves 2 1
*CURVES_SORT Sort the curves based on the type and order 5 1
*CURVES_SUBTRACT_BETWEEN Compute the difference of all curves between respective ones 1 1
*CURVES_SPRAGUEANDGEERERROR Compute the Sprague and Geer Error and return either the Phase, Magnitude or Shape Errors. Useful for comparing two simulations or simulation and test 3 1
*CURVES_SPRAGUEANDGEERERROR_MATRIX Compute the Sprague and Geer Errors between a reference curve and a set of curves 2 1
*CURVES_SYNC_UNITS Sync units if the curves are of different scale 8 1
*CURVES_SUBTRACT Compute the difference of two curves by subtracting the y-values 2 1
*CURVES_SYNC_WITH Sync the x-points to the reference curve 4 1
*CURVES_SOC_BLENDED Compute a blended y-value based on weights 3 1
*CURVES_SWITCHX Switch x points 2 1
*CURVES_SIMILARITY_CORRELATION Compute the similarity correlation of two curves 5 1
*CURVES_SCALEY_BY_CONDITIONX Scale the y-values of all Curves based on conditions of the x value 4 1
*CURVES_STRESS_TO_TRIAXIALITY Convert stress-tensor to tiaxiality using von-Mises stress and hydrostatic pressure 2 1
*CURVES_SCALEY_LINEAR Scale y values based on their x-location 4 1
*CURVES_SWIFT_EXTRAPOLATE Add points by extrapolating SWIFT extrapolation 4 1
*CURVES_THREE_POINT_CIRCLE Curves Three Point Circle 4 1
*CURVES_TIME_HISTORY_COORDINATES_TO_DISPLACEMENTS Compute displacements from coordinates 1 1
*CURVES_TO_DATASET Convert the curves to dataset 3 1
*CURVES_TRUETOEFFECTIVESTRESS Convert True to Effective stress vs strain curves by removing elastic strains 16 1
*CURVES_THREEPOINTANGLE Compute angle formed by three points 5 1
*CURVES_TRIM_X Create a curve from set 3 1
*CURVES_THREE_POINT_ROTATION Find the time-history angle using time-history coordinates of three points 4 1
*CURVES_TO_PRESSURE_DB_RMS Convert curves to Pressure db rms 2 1
*CURVES_UPPER_BOUND Compute the upper bound for a set of curves 1 1
*CURVES_UPLI_SCORE_CALCULATOR Compute U-PLI score calculator 4 1
*CURVES_WEIGHTED_AVERAGE Average two or more curves 5 1
*CURVES_XYZR_FINAL_TABLE Compute the Resultant and return a dataset with X,Y,Z, Resultant 2 1
*CURVES_Y Curves y only 1 1
*CURVES_YMONOTONIC_PERCENTAGE Enforces monotocity for y based on percentage 3 1
*CURVES_ZONE_VALUES Compute zone values based on x-ranges 4 1