*MATH Workers

math Workers
Name Description Number of Inputs Number of Outputs
*MATH_ABS Compute the absolute value of e 1 1
*MATH_ADD Compute the sum of values 1 1
*MATH_AVERAGE Compute the average of values 1 1
*MATH_BULK_TO_YOUNG Compute Youngs Modulus based on Bulk Modulus 2 1
*MATH_DIVIDE Divide two values 2 1
*MATH_EXP Compute the power of a number 1 1
*MATH_FLEXURAL_MODULUS Compute Flexural Modulus 5 1
*MATH_INSPECT Inspect the value and return pass-fail 5 1
*MATH_IF returns based on condition. if( value1, value1, operator, true_value, false_value) 5 1
*MATH_IN_RANGE Check if a given value is in range 3 1
*MATH_INTERPOLATE Interpolates to return a set of values between min and max 5 1
*MATH_INSPECT_DUAL Inspect the dual values and return pass-fail 8 1
*MATH_LANKFORD_COEFFICIENT Compute Lankford coefficient based on 0,45 and 90 deg strains 3 1
*MATH_LOG Compute the natural log of a number 1 1
*MATH_LOG10 Compute the log to the base10 of a number 1 1
*MATH_MAX Compute Maximum values from given data 1 1
*MATH_MIN Compute Minimum values from given data 1 1
*MATH_MASS_IDEAL_GAS Computes the mass based on ideal gas law 6 1
*MATH_MEDIAN Compute the median of a list of numbers 1 1
*MATH_MPDB_SCORE_CALCULATOR M-PDB score calculator 3 1
*MATH_MODE Get the mode of a list of numbers 1 1
*MATH_NORM_DIST Compute the normal distribution 2 1
*MATH_OFFSET_SCALE Offset a value then scale it 3 1
*MATH_OFFSET Offset a value 2 1
*MATH_POW Compute the number to the power of a number 2 1
*MATH_PE_TO_IVEL Convert potential energy to velocity 2 1
*MATH_RANDOM Generate a Random number 2 1
*MATH_RANGE Get a range of numbers between min and max provided 4 1
*MATH_RESULTANT Compute the square root of the sum of squares of values 1 1
*MATH_ROUND Round the number 3 1
*MATH_SUBTRACT Subtract between two values 2 1
*MATH_SCALE_OFFSET Scale a value then offset it 3 1
*MATH_SCALE Scale a number 6 1
*MATH_SQRT Sqrt 1 1
*MATH_SIMPLIFIED_FAILURE Compute simplified rubber material failure values based on Uni-Axial and Equi-BiAxial Failure Stretch Ratios 4 1
*MATH_TORQUE_TO_FORCE Computes a bolt tension force based on Torque 4 1
*MATH_VERIFY_THERMODYNAMIC_STABILITY Compute math value to verify thermodynamic stability 3 1
*MATH_WEIGHTED_2 Computed the weighted value for given two values 3 1