*MATRIX Workers

matrix Workers
Name Description Number of Inputs Number of Outputs
*MATRIX_CREATEFROMVECTORASROW Create a matrix using the vectors 3 1
*MATRIX_CREATECOSINEFROMEULERANGLES Matrix Createcosinefromeulerangles 3 1
*MATRIX_CREATEFROMVECTORASCOLUMN Create a matrix from vector 3 1
*MATRIX_COPY Matrix Copy 1 1
*MATRIX_CREATEFROMSTRING Create a matrix from a CSV string 1 1
*MATRIX_CREATERANDOM Create a random matrix based on the given rows and columns 2 1
*MATRIX_GETENTRY Matrix Getentry 2 1
*MATRIX_INVERSE Matrix Inverse 1 1
*MATRIX_MULTIPLY Compute the product of two matrices 2 1
*MATRIX_SCALARDIVIDE Divided two matrices 2 1
*MATRIX_SCALARMULTIPLY Scale the matrix by a number 2 1
*MATRIX_SCALARSUBTRACT Subtract two matrices 2 1
*MATRIX_SCALARADD Computje the sum of two matrices 2 1
*MATRIX_TRANSPOSE Matrix Transpose 1 1